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Swap between appearances


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Hello. I am new to playing modified games, but as the dad to two small children, adding hundreds of hours of play time while just donating to modders from time to time is a better use of my money. It helps that everyone is nice around here, I appreciate the community.


So, I am looking for a mod that lets me save my appearance. Then I can change my appearance, and swap back. If I could sea back and forth between 2-3 bodies that would be ideal. Vampire hunting stuff as a male altmer, but play the thieves guild and dark brotherhood as a female, for example, and be able to swap between the saved appearances with relative ease.


Is there something for SE I can use todo this, or am I asking for more than I know?

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If you mean to do this on the same save game - it's not possible. It would be better suited for you to just go through the game as different characters at different times. You can even have two playthroughs going at once if you want to - but swapping genders in the same playthrough isn't something you can really do on the fly like that. You could use the RaceMenu to switch your gender, but the appearances will not be saved. You'd have to recreate your character each time. Plus, I'm not 100% sure if doing that is advisable or not. I recall reading that it can cause some issues with stats of something - but don't quote me on that. If you want to enter the racemenu at any time though - just use the following console command.


First open the console with the tilde key, which looks like this on your keyboard: ~ or `


It'll be around the TAB key.


Then type the following: showracemenu


Then click enter, and hit the tilde key again. You should be in the RaceMenu at that point. Hopefully those instructions made sense.

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I do not play the SE so i do not know which mods are available for SE or in the proces of being ported but:


That will solve any racemenu issues when you change appearance and gender it has been ported to SE





Then you will have to keep an eye out for this mod being ported to SE when SKSE is released:




Next would be this mod, but it to needs SKSE, so you'll have to wait or find something similar for SE:




So the option for now is to use the first mod and safely change appearance each time and set up a bat file for stats and perks unless you are ok with each character having the same stats and perks. Otherwise you will have to remove the stats and perks from one character and add new ones each time through console commands.


You could also opt for making each character a standalone follower and simply use X different playthroughs. So character 1 mage is a follower for character 2 which is your thief, etc. But that will require learning to mod to make followers. You can export facedata of an existing character to apply it to a follower.


It has been asked before but there is no real solution yet to do it on a single game.


Google: "skyrim multiple player character"


That will give you some more results and possible solutions.

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I wish there was a way to upvote you guys. Thank you.


I am looking into the ring of change mod. I cannot find the SE file for it, so I will drop the oldrim file in on a new character and see if I works.


I read the script enhancer is due out I about a month, and I will likely be starting new playthroughs then with custom races and all that.


Regardless, thank you. I appreciate your help, both of you.

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