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DAO overheating comp


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OK, if this has been answered elsewhere i cant find it, so i apologize ahead of time if it has. But I recently got DAO and when playing, within 15 minutes the game starts to lag quite a bit. On Low settings it seems to last slightly longer but not by much. MY laptop handles skyrim on high settings with no problem, but DAO is bringing it to its knees. Any suggestions?
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Sorry you're having problems, chibilaharl.


Since you didn't provide any specs, no real way to help, but...


Most likely cause: Inadequate video chip.

Most likely solution: Get a better laptop.


Cheapest thing to check: Setting for "Graphics Detail", on the "Video" tab under "Options".

Try with "Low" and see what happens. If success, try "Medium", etc.


(Saying, "This other game runs fine." is meaningless. Different game engines. :whistling: )

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Not surprised it runs Skyrim better. My comp runs Skyrim better than both Oblivion and DA:O. (DA:O is more complex, graphically and coding wise, or as it seems)


Just how much is overheating exactly? Use a utility like CPUID HWMonitor to see how hot exactly your computer is getting and then compare that to what sort of temps your hardware can handle. Laptops are...not great for gaming in general cases. :/ Unless the integrated GPU is huge, overheating/power down is inevitable on most 'tops.


If heat IS the problem, you could try a laptop cooling pad. But, most likely the case is that your laptop can't handle it. DA:O is not really a laptop game. It requires a lot from your computer, both graphically and memory wise. Research your GPU and see if it's strong enough. Don't rely in sites like system requirements labs, especially for laptops.


If your GPU should be able to handle it and it's still overheating, you can clean the vents. See if that helps.

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