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trouble after unofficial patch installed


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since I installed the unofficial patch for oblivion, when I quit my game, the computer say "oblivion have stop working, looking for the solution(or whatever) and freeze, even if I stop my pc, after rebooting the last frozen game is on my face and I can only ctrl-alt-del and restart in safe mode, after that I reboot again and try the task manager and now I can disable oblivion who still running, anyone have an answer? Edited by eregor2
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Oblivion doing this when quitting is actually quite common. It comes from an increasing number of mods being used, not any special mods in particular.

There are means to combat it, like the famous "Fast Exit" or what it's called, but again those are no 100% guaranteed solutions.


It's a weakness of the game engine Bethesda designed which is causing these things to happen, just like the occasional CTDs. We can fight it one way or another, but there's never a perfect solution unless redesigning the engine itself from the ground up, which is unlikely to ever happen.


Oh, but usually you can alt-tab away from the message and back to it, and then it'll have focus and accept your clicking. There's no need for computer restarts or any fancy tricks last time I checked.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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If what you are talking about is a black window with that message displayed in a standard Windows dialogue box, what I do is just hit my 'Enter' key when it first displays. This selects the default option (close the program without sending any info to Microsoft) and it will usually successfully close the game and display my desktop. For times that the game freezes during play (and won't respond to mouse or keyboard) my first thing to try is hitting 'Ctrl + Alt + Del' and see if I can bring up Task Manager. If the Task Manager window doesn't display fairly quickly (I give it 20 or 30 seconds without touching the keyboard or moving the mouse) then I hit 'Alt' and then 'u' and then 'u' once again. These are the Task Manager keyboard shortcuts to shutdown Windows and turn off the computer. It doesn't always work, and sometimes I need to hit the reset button, but it's always better to let Task Manager try to shut down Windows. If your 'Windows has encountered a problem ...' doesn't close when you hit 'Enter' then try the 'Ctrl + Alt + Del' and then 'Alt' 'u' 'u' trick. If things are really locked up it won't likely work, but like I said it's always best to try to shut Windows down the right way before you hit the reset button.


I'm not sure how long your list of installed mods is, but it may help if you list them so we can have a look for possible conflicts or load order problems. Here's a link to How to post a load order for Oblivion off the wiki.

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