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A mod to stay vulnerable, even after level 30 ?


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Hi guys

Even in very hard difficulty (I don't like survival), there is no challenge after level 30 anymore.

Because of the 5 extra HP for each level up.

I found some "XP scaling" mods, but I want these level-ups, I just want less HP to stay vulnerable

Is there a mod that decrease this number of gained HP ?


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I already don't get "health" perks but I need Endurance to run !

I don't wear power armours and I don't use VATS,.

I'm about 800 hours of gameplay in FO4, I feel vulnerable at the beginning of the game, but when my PV are above 250 points, it's really rare I'm dying !

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I use the War Never Changes gameplay overhaul. You don't gain health with leveling and the perk tree is changed (better?). Have a mod to increase spawns #'s and rate. Also buffed Deathclaws and StuperMutants . Have another to make companions a little better. So with a combination of mods- I never feel overpowered. :smile:

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I just tried war of the commonwealth "medium", with inverseXPscaling and a few graphics, weather and lighting mods and it seems pretty good !

Unfortunately, my CPU and GPU don't like too much those scripts and ennemies hordes ! Loading times have increased too.

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Even my level 100 + games are insetting & challenging.


I make settlers killable so whole settlements can be wiped out. My character needs to be a fast & efficient killer for settlements to survive.


I add NPCs/monsters to the game with the mod Endless Warfare http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17626/?

It allows me to control the amount baddies in the game. If I lose performance I just dial them back.


Instead of having 2 to 3 flying bugs attack I have swarms of 10 to 15. Same goes for rad roaches,zombies,gunners,raiders, mole rats etc. This makes running away & finding high ground the best survival option.



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I have double mods for the spawns in the Glowing Sea. I went there a few days ago aannnndddd damn!! Increased radiation plus the extra spawns= me in good PA needing to pop rad-x and refreshing beverage every 5 mins or so while fighting hordes of enemies ( Deathclaws in groups of 4-5, ferals in groups of 30-40, etc.) Running out of ammo and PA trashed I had to duck into a building.......Where I discovered a nest of Synths about 40-50 strong. Bullets, explosions, laser fire, sythies teleporting, and needing to revive fallen companions ( and myself)......it was everything I ever wanted!!!! Died several times until I realized it was a Courser with a Cross-Plas weapon that was killing me in two or three shots!!!!!! :tongue: :wub:

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