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Master Vholkinar vampires more difficult than dragons, yes!


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"My Bosmer got archery and sneak maxed, killed Movarth without even getting damaged a single health point. With Nocturnal's Shadow Cloak with and muffle spell,"


Yes, same with my Breton. I forgot to add use the power and spell that chanchan05 mentioned, I did that too.

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Let a shieldbashing follower tank it using a life absorb/drain magicka weapon, use Fus to interrupt (not the full fus-roh-dah since it won't refresh often enough), use Heal Other on follower. Hmm Calm spells possibly, and since you propably cannot afford to waste magicka on damaging use fully upgraded Ebony Blade for 30 lifestealing (Daedric Artifact also known as The Vampire according to its lore). Stay in sneak for potential backstab crits. Loads of ways to kill them, just use you imagination and read the spell tooltips even on spells that you normally wouldn't use....


Also make sure you follower got potions, preferably Potions of Ultimate health to completely restore health, and remember that followers can use staff's aswell, so a summon (random element) atronach staff for even more targets attacking him.


Oh yes and they make exelent Dead Thrall, so use vampires to kill vampires.... sinister yet intreaging muhahahahaaa :devil:


other than that.... avoid them if your not high enough lvl :P

Edited by BlashyrkhRavendark
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Stealth characters can do anything but I find it less challenging, hell you can even sneak attack a dragon in some cases.


Anyone can do "less challenging". A mage can bring a pair of his own Vholkinar vamps, and stun lock the opponent to death, a warrior can craft ubergear, and also stun lock with stamina-draining weapon. A carefully planned build always results in uber.

Edited by TimF
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Holy moly, why are you guys having such a hard time with these guys? Do you attack them at low levels or something? Cause if you do then you have to figure out your own strategy based on what is available to you at the time.


At higher levels it shouldn't be that hard. If you can sneak and you're good with a bow you just hit and hide till they're dead (that's if you don't 1-hit from sneak).


If you're a warrior type character I would recommend using a magic enchanted shield. Either enchant it yourself or get the shield of Solitude if you can, which has the best magic enchantment in the game (its based on level though so if you have high enchant I'd disenchant it and use the enchantment on another shield, and if you're low enchantment I'd just keep it like that).


To reduce their damage on you, try using the Lord Stone or Atronach Stone (not sure if the latter helps).


If you're a mage/pure ranger with no sneak you should use a follower and/or conjuration to distract them while you pound from a distance, as many others have said.


I guess the worst case scenario is if you're a lower level warrior focused only on 2h. In that case I hope you have a looot of hitpoints, stamina and healing potions...

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They are a ton of way to get ride of them .


THe most obvious is using a restoration anti undead spell , You can deplete their magicka with enchant/poison/Lighting , You can Chainlock them with impact , You can Paralize them , You can use stealth ( Some mod make it impossible on vampire because they will always detect you ) , FUS RO DAH or just FUS .

Also if you made a character With a lot of update in stamina and magicka it might be hard to Don't get one shoted , if you play on master ( or with difficulty mod ) They do exponential damages So i advice you to get ride of them Quickly .

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