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Question about "hidden" inventory items.


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I am currently level 47 and I am making a weight overhaul mod. I want my bodyweight to be at 0 when I remove all items from inventory. However. It is 56 or something. Which makes no sense. When I did console command to show inventory items it revealed to me Saw Logs (but I checked in Creation Kit and they weigh 0.0) and I have this item "Dummy" and a couple of quest items which has the weight 0 as well.

So something is causing me to have 56 inventory weight but I do not know where this comes from. Anyone has any idea please let me now. :)

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That could be the case. I also see that when I put armor in my inventory, I see my item weight change as I keep equipping armor. As if, I changed it with invisible armor. So what you are saying actually makes a bit of sense. I guess I should reinstall that mod and see what happens.

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