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Porting mods with ESMs - Noob warning


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Hey folks,

I have recently picked back up SSE after spending a few months away. I like the stability you get with the update, but was slightly disappointed to see the modding community has yet to really embrace the game to the extent of the vanilla Skyrim. Probably since the script extender is not out yet. But, one thing this has done, is given me the opportunity to spend more time with the inner working of mods. I have been teaching myself how to port forward mods for personal use, and have recently embarked on a slightly more difficult journey with The Art of Magicka. For those who are not familiar, it is a fun clothing/armor mod that has some great mage robes and items. It has a few crafting fonts in Dragon's Reach and a merchant as well. The mod includes an ESP and an ESM.

Here's what I have done and my issues:

Started by testing how it worked with no modification in SSE. It will run but the textures are all busted, shocker.

I began by running the mod through NIF Optimizer, and updated everything. Then I ran the mod to see if it would work. I can add items through the console, but upon entering a cell that has a AOM merchant or crafting font (Dragon's Reach, Archmage's Quarters) I get a swift CTD.

Next, I ran the mod through the CK with the ESP as the active item, which usually works fine for mods that simply include a ESP. Tried the mod again same result. Clothing can be added via commands, but cells with AOM stuff in it crash when you enter.

Then, I tried running the mod through the CK with the ESM as the active item, and it wouldn't save. Never got to try it in game.

Lastly, giggles, I tried taking the updated textures and meshes and so forth, and packing them in a new mod with the old ESP and ESM (which now that I am writing I realize that it is the same as second step). Also no joy.

Since the process is so straight forward with the other mods, I am assuming that it has something to do with the ESM file. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

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Without changing the file extension, cause that not what signify a master file (it how many bit's it is that does), use SSEEdit or Wrye Bash(307) to Espify the Esm, convert it as normal. then Esmify back.


So you need to flip the switch that separates them couple times (how many bit's it is) since it for 64Bit Skyrim if kinda poetic don't think?


One example of a master that's uses esp extension "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp" or "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp" if you like.


Just never load it's dependencies in the Kit as Active while it Master is Espify, or just learn by your mistakes. Hopefully.


In SSEEdit find the MOD.ESM "Header" Edit "Record Flags" & use some applied common sense it easy.


In Wrye Bash(307) right-click MOD.ESM then select Espify Self. Use common sense to Esmify Self. Never ever use Copy to (Esp or Esm) that not what you want & for Advance Modders Only.



@ Any body


lol someone NOT ME should use that info to make Noob Toob guide. I think I cover all required bases, if I missed something feel free to add the Nexus Hive Mind, or just disagree if ya think I got it wrong? It's OK.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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