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Combining an obmm plugin with a TES CS plugin.


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I'm trying to build a mod that would involve combining to plugins. An obmm plugin and a normal CS plugin. However, I know it can't be done on the construction set. Does anyone know of a construction set or mod loader that can combine these plugins?
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I think you'd want to use OBMM to extract the omod (making it a regular mod) and then combine them as two normal mods. Right click the omod listed in the right pane and select either 'Convert to archive' or 'Extract to folder' (can't recall which at the moment).


- Edit - Sorry Drake ... I saw your name listed as viewing just as I hit post. I still say it "Takes a team", so from my viewpoint no 'Ninja' intended.

Edited by Striker879
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What exactly is an OBMM plugin here?


OBMM handles "OMOD"s, simply a different packaging format, comparable to .7z plus some additional information about its contents and install scripts. Those packages still contain "regular" CS plugins ("ESP"s) as do non-OBMM mod packages. Merging ESPs is a known technique, documented at many places, and has nothing to do with what packaging format the ESPs were in.


If you want to merge "contents" of an OMOD and a regular .7z, you can simply convert the OMOD into a .7z just like the regular one, extract both, merge their files and folder, and then either package back up into an OMOD, or simply create a .7z of it, your choice.


edit: ninja'd by Striker879 with the OMOD conversion part.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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I didn't know you could edit a .7z. I thought you had to decompress it into an .esp first. All the Oblivion modding software that I have used edits .esps, or in some cases, .esms. Then when you are all done and want to upload your mod, you compress it into a 7z.
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A .7z is a ZIP archive, it's like a compressed folder in one single file. What you put into it is completely arbitrary. As there are mods with more than only an ESP or ESM but also a bunch of resource files (meshes/textures/sounds/etc.) there are also .7z archives with a complete folder structure included (relative to "data" usually, but not always the case). You can extract the .7z or ZIP or RAR or YouNameIt into a folder, change the contents, also modify the ESP/ESM with the CS, then repackage it into another .7z (or whatever) again.


You don't "decompress .7z's into ESPs/ESMs" but into a folder bearing their filename (minus .7z) "containing" the ESP/ESM/whatever. If there's an ESP and a "meshes" folder included, you'll end up with a folder containing an ESP and a "meshes" folder, just for example.


An OMOD now is pretty similar to a .7z, perhaps even uses the same compression algorithms (don't know), but has additional information required for OBMM to know what it is. You can easily convert an OMOD into a .7z (refer to Striker879's post for how) and then just unpack it like any regular archive, as if it was a "manual install" mod right from the start.


@Striker879: Why are you always apologizing to me for nothing?! Do I look so fragile to you or anything? You were providing a part of the information I was giving while I was still typing it. Oh noes! I'm doomed!... not really. Besides you provided additional information mine was lacking, the specifics about "how to". Didn't I tell you already the more help one gets the better? Stop apologizing for something I actually appreciate! Okay?... please... :thumbsup:

...oh, and normally when someone writes "ninja'd" it's far from meaning a bad thing around here anyways. We won't use the term, if it wasn't for making a fun of it after all.

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@ Drake ... I knew that, but I'm just an apologetic kinda' guy I guess. It really was a bit coincidental that I thought "Oh there's Drake reading the post ... wonder if I'm ninjaing him" just as I hit the post button and then sure enough!


And you don't strike me as the type who has 'tender sensibilities'. We're on the same page.

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