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Darnified UI Problems (miscalibrated cursor, small UI)


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I am having some pretty bad trouble with my mods (Using Oblivion on Steam). I have enabled:

Darnified UI 1.3.2

HUD Status Bars 5.3.2

Oblivion Reloaded 1.0

Quarl TP3

Oblivion Character Overhaul V2


And I think that's about it


This is what I have done, multiple times

Verify Integrity of Game Files

Uninstall Mods (In which uninstalling Darnified causes the game to crash as soon as it gets to the bethesda logo at the start)

Remove Oblivion_default.ini (Oblivion.ini, changed its name because of Oblivion Reloaded, I presume)

Check my FOV in default.ini (It is 75.0000)

Reinstall Darnified with custom fonts enabled and disabled

Change the HUD scale on the Darnified config to 100 (Not ingame, on the xml)

Reinstalled Oblivion (Took three hours, I know, I have slow internet)


I may have done some of these stuff wrong, like checking my FOV, but I don't think I did it wrong


I've done some other stuff to try and fix it and reinstalling doesn't do anything and I had to delete my saves to do so.


The menu for oblivion is now really small, so is the load game menu screen and the cursor doesn't work correctly; the cursor doesn't select the icon in my inventory, it is selecting the icon to the right or above so I need to move it a bit to the left, down, up or right.


Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, thanks

Edited by Oopster
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"Remove Oblivion_default.ini (Oblivion.ini, changed its name because of Oblivion Reloaded, I presume)"


Nope, Oblivion_default.ini is the file that is installed with the rest of the game files that is used to build your Oblivion.ini after it detects your hardware. NEVER touch Oblivion_default.ini, especially if you are in the habit of doing stuff without making backups so you can't recover from experiments gone wrong.


Don't use any UI mods myself, but from everything I've read about troubleshooting their installs it always seems that at the heart of the problems is not following install instructions to the letter (most often related to using Nexus Mod manager (NMM) when Oblivion Mod manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash is specified in the installation instructions).


- Edit - Oblivion.ini is found in your Users\[username]\ Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder for Windows version Vista and newer or the Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder for WinXP.

Edited by Striker879
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THANK YOU!! You are my saviour for Oblivion! I set the FOV to 75 and it works! I have been using a mixture of Nexus Mods Manager and OBMM, but I will check on all of the mod pages to make sure I've configured everything correctly from now on to avoid these problems.

Edited by Oopster
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