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[LE] My cows aren't MOOOving


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Hello fellow world-masters,

I am creating a new land mod, and, without giving too much away, I have a grassy land area where a nomadic group of people live herding their cows ( I also want to have similar goat herding tribes in the mountainous region, and expect to run into a similar problem).


So what I did was put a whole heap of cows onto the land, and then placed the Cow eating idle marker doohickey around at random points in the grass.


But all my cows do is stand there and occasionally moooooove their heads from left to right. They don't wander around like I want them to, they don't eat anything, they don't sit down in the grass.

How to get my cows to moooove and act like cows?


I also kind of want the nomadic tribe to move from one area to another and to take their cows with them, like the khajiit caravans do?


If anyone could help me with this? I'm a fulltime worker, but a passionate modder and frankly am at my wits end with these cows.

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Have you navmeshed the area that the cows are in? They will not move without it.


Getting the cows to follow the tribe you may want to look at the quest where the Farmer is leading his cow to the giants as an offering. I don't have access to the CK right now so I'm not sure what quest number it is.

Edited by Aragorn58
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I've just stuck a cow in front of my dungeon, given it a couple of coweating markers and linked the cow to the markers as you would with an enemy patrol set-up.


Hey presto, old beef shanks wanders between the markers and does the eating at each one.


I used EncCow which already has a package on it to allow eating and sleeping.


Add your cow markers and select a cow in the render window. Right click and edit and go to the linked ref tab. Use 'select reference in render window and pick one of your cow eating markers. okay this., Now select the cow eating marker and edit that. Select that and go to the patrol data tab. Check the patrol data box and add a time for your bovine to eat at this spot.


You can then link this cow eating marker to another one and add patrol data to that. The cow will then move between the two points, stopping to eat at each one.


I guess you'll have to do that for the whole herd so that they all wander about eating. I'm not sure how to make them sleep at certain times but if you get stuck with it, I'll have a go...it's quite fun getting cows to move around!

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@ Aragorn58:

I'll give that a go, but I don't understand why deer, elk and goats can prance around and do as trhey please without NavMesh, but cows need it?


I've tried this and it doesn't seem to be working? Does the area of land have to be NavMeshed in order for this to work?


I will try that, and let you all know how it goes

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@ Aragorn58:


I'll give that a go, but I don't understand why deer, elk and goats can prance around and do as trhey please without NavMesh, but cows need it?


They all need navmesh, cows aren't some unique NPC type in this regard. Any area you expect any type of NPCs to move on be it either animal, creature, or humanoid must be navmeshed or the NPCs will just stand in place as you've seen. Add a sandbox AI package to your cows as was mentioned and they should wander around as any other creature would do on a properly navmeshed area.

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Sorry I'm late getting back to you on this. I can confirm that the ground I put my cow onto was nav-meshed, so that may account for yours not working. I didn't realise that you had no navmesh.


Looking at the elk and wild goats which wander around all over the place, they both have the package DefaultCreatureSandboxCurrentLoc4000List on them. Cows have EncCowSandboxEditorLcation256. The only difference in the packages is how far the creature will stray from its starting point. The 4000 one could be better, or you could make a new package for your cows and alter the radius to suit, I suppose.

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My suggestion would be to copy the EncCowSandbox package, give it a new name so it does not change the vanilla package, and give it a radius of 4000 or better. That will solve your problem and will allow you to place your idle marker at a further spacing to give a more realistic feel.


EDIT; Sorry Cumbrianlad just said the same thing....

Edited by Aragorn58
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