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Is music replacement possible?


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There's one slow, lethargic track that plays in various places, normally in a city when nothing is happening, or in your home. I hate that track. It is just wrong for the game, IMO, because it is without character, period instruments, nothing.


Anyway, is it possible to replace music?

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Of course, so long as you play on a pc. Find out what the track's name is, find a track that you want and name it that, then install it into the correct directories in your data folder


Arent you supposed to convert them into the right filetype first?

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The music files are in the "sounds.bsa" archive. You will need an unpacker to extract them from the archive, and a utility to convert them from xwm to wav, and to convert your replacement to xwm. I think you can find both those utilities on the Skyrim Nexus, but I'm too lazy to find them for you and give you links.


Once you've identified which file is the one you want to replace, you need to copy your replacement to the data folder, using the same path and filename that the file you want to replace has in the bsa archive. Make sure you have converted your replacement to xwm format.

Edited by greentea101
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