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Transparency and low fps issue


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Hello, people! I saw a topic where someone was asking about fps, and had a graphical board similar to mine - the response he had was that he needed more CPU, and not as much GPU... Well, I hope I have more luck.


First of all, my specs, right?

i7 950 @ 3.07GHz

8gb RAM

Radeon HD 6850 XFX Black edition [it shows as just "Radeon HD 6800" on my device manager, tho~~]


First issue is the FPS drop.

Skyrim is on 1.3, I think. During the first hours of gameplay, I didn't touch the graphical configuration, and it felt really good with high settings [those were defaults] I thought the effects on that river would be specially heavy...

Now, I arrived at the city where the thieves guild is, and FPS dropped significantly there. I'm at about 20, and while this is still playable to me [i'm a very patient player!] I know I can get it better somehow.


Mods I'm using are basically body mods with required textures, and ps3 button icons for the hud.



Second issue started even before I installed any update, and no update or reinstall fixed that.

The Khajiit [and it seems it's just them, which annoyed me a lot since that race was my first choice] have transparent heads depending of the angle they're facing. I can post pictures to describe this better. I also started seeing some textures that were supposed to be transparent not being transparent at all [the dirt on the sides of some roads inside cities, some stuff on the outer walls/roof of houses...] and it's getting only worse - now even people are starting to get transparent bodies. First saw it with the Gray Beards, when I completed the Fus Ro Dah/Unrelenting Force shout. I'm not sure what to do about that... I even tried to install new textures to at least try and fix the Khajiits, but it didn't work.

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I'm not going to be able to help much beyond random suggestions. First and foremost download SkyBoost, which will alleviate CPU bottlenecking in CPU heavy portions of the game. The second problem sounds as if it might be ATI specific, they're not known for being particularly quick with their drivers lately. My best idea would be verifying the integrity of your game files VIA Steam and subsequently installing the latest version of ATI drivers possible, then checking to see if anyone else has texture transparency issues with ATI drivers and Skyrim and what they suggest through Google.


Sorry to not be more helpful, but good luck.

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Actually, I didn't hear anything about the transparency problems anywhere else. I'm sure there's nothing missing in the files, so there might be something with my GPU. I'll check for drivers, since I know I never updated them after I installed the board. [it was so big compared to anything I had up until now that I felt like it wouldn't need much touchup :/]


I'll check skyboost too, thanks!



edit: Ugh, 100+mb update... I thought the catalyst thing I downloaded back then was some kind of update >: At least I'm sure it's a more recent driver.

Edited by emieri00
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Hmm, driver update seemed to enhance the fps a bit, together with skyboost.


But the transparency issues are still here, and they seem to happen at random locations. I noticed the khajiit problem happens a lot in whiterun, but on some specific spots, depending on the angle. Then again, the whole city is filled with these transparency problems.


It's basically the same. Where there should be transparency, usually on the buildings and roads and scennery overall, it just disappears and looks glitchy. Where there shouldn't [khajiit head, character/npc body] it appears at some locations - And I have no idea what causes it. It's not light, not shadows, not wheater effects...

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  • 11 months later...
got the same problem with khajiit see through heads. my gf and i both play as khajiit and it's on a custom built gaming rig with nvidia gtx 570 with 2.5 gigs of vmem and a 6 core cpu with a lot of memory in it.....so it's not your hardware. there is something wrong with the data somewhere, somehow, because the problem happens even with no mods, a virgin skyrim folder, and a new game.
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