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CTD after having a follower


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If you did it right, after reinstalling, your Skyrim/Data folder should look something like this:



If it doesn't (i.e., you still have esm.esp files from your mods) you didn't do something right. If it is clean, next check the "Plugins" tab in NMM, there should only be the 5 .esm files for the original game listed. If it is still showing you have mods installed, when you clearly don't, then NMM is probably using still using the old install info from before. Unfortunately, I'm not 100% sure how to reset that anymore, (I switched to MO about a year ago), using the "Reinstall Mods" trick might work...


What I can tell you, is that all of your mod files are still on your computer, if you go up to the little folder icon in NMM, select the option to "Open NMM Mods Folder", that is where everything you downloaded for Skyrim is located.


Edit: Also, make sure you remember to clean your masters

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After hours of reinstalling mods.... im happy to say... I FIXED IT!


Thank you all who helped me out in my troubles, your advice helped

currently switched to AFT and I also removed BBLS (I want to believe that was giving me the follower issue since It has follower commands also, who knows if reinstalling did the trick also)


While I can't say what caused the issue in the first place, im just glad I can get back to my happy skyrim modding self

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