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Renaming Mod


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First of all, I have no clue if this idea has ever come up before, or if someone has made a mod like this.


But I have an idea for a mod that allows you to rename anyone using a random list or specific choice. Like using the MCM and the SetActorFullName script command (that seems the easiest as it does exactly what would be needed from the mod, but can be changed if something easier comes up). This could be used when using a mod that allows one to make anyone a follower. Such as generic NPCs could be given names to make them less generic, instead of using (or creating your own) follower mods


The random list portion would include separate lists for races or other kinds. It could be used to not give a Khajiit name to a Wood Elf or an Orc name to a Nord. Other types of lists could be made for anything that someone could think of (which for some reason I can't right now). It would select the name randomly (of course) so that the user wouldn't need to sift through a possibly massive list of names to find one they would want to use.


The specific choice part could have a list of every single available name (in one list or split up using the random lists before) to give the user more control over what name is given to the NPC.


Using the way I suggested may have some drawbacks. An esp can have 16777215 things (minus the amount no esp can use). Since the SetActorFullName uses messages to change the name, that would be long and tedious to make that many (or any other limit). The way to implement would be completely up to the person making it work from the MCM.


I would be willing to take part in the creation of this mod in the 'long and tedious' portion of it by creating the names and list of names if someone were to take care of the implementation/MCM portion.

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