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SKSE might not be installing properly


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Hi all,


I'm getting memory related crashes and glitches. It crashes when you change areas, on save, load, etc.


My followers go invisible outdoors.


So anyway, I want to do the memory fix by changing the allocations.


Now this is why I think it didn't install properly. There was no SKSE folder in data and there was no plugins folder either. I had to create both folders. I had to create an SKSE.ini folder as well.


I created a memory blocks log, and it does not seem to be accessed. Neither does the SKSE.ini because nothing has changed.


SKSE does run Skyrim though, as I use it to launch via Mod Manager.


Any ideas?





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Download and use Crash Fixes. This eliminates the memory blocks issue and fixes other crash problems. If SKSE is giving you trouble you might need to reinstall the latest version. Hope that helps. :smile:

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Actually, I've been doing some tweaking and I've found that Memory blocks log is working, just hidden in the Overwrite folder of Mod Manager. I shows that not only do I have the 768MB blocks allotted, but I wasn't even close even with the standard 256MB.


I have crash fixes installed. I'll look to see if there is a update and reinstall.


I tried ENboost which is supposed to allocate memory outside the allocation block, but it had no effect.

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It is very important to install everything exactly as stated. I'm not judging. I have had to learn everything the hard way. Skyrim is a wild beast when it comes to modding IMO. JUST ENBoost is what you want unless you want the visual enhancements. Also download and use TESVEdit to clean your masters and mods. It helps. WryeBash is also useful. :smile:

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