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Mods we'd download without a second thought


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25 Jan: Added the suggestions made in the thread so far to the topic post. I'll try doing this a couple times a week so long as the thread's alive.


ITT, we talk mods that if we saw them, we'd download at the drop of a hat. This isn't dedicated to a particular mod idea, but could be a small library of ideas or something. If your mod idea is based on something that exists in real life or is from another game, include a pic or two for reference :D


For me, I'd instantly download the following on seeing them in the library (reference images included):


Paladin Judgement Armor from WoW:




Warrior Dreadnaught Armor from WoW:





A no-crap massive zweihander that is as long as the character is tall (and matching katzbalger):






Various historical armor harnesses:

Churburg: http://www.toledosword.com/im/Churburg_Armor_xl.jpg

Gothic: http://www.ageofarmour.com/images/gothic_armour.jpg

Norman: http://preachan.tripod.com/icons/norman_knt1.gif (especially the shield)


Horseman's Ax:

Let me Axe you


This ax:



Mounted Combat


Bugfix mods (various/all-encompassing)


Master Sword Quest from Zelda


Trogdor Dragons


Dragon Riding


Ability to start your own faction and define it (give it a name, a base, and determine allegiances and morality through some simple quests or dialogue)


Use/Pilot Boats


Persistent enemies that can chase you in/out of cells


Immersion fixes to keep NPCs from talking out of turn or saying complete bulls***

(pretty sure mods for this exist, but too lazy atm to look)


The bows mentioned/linked in this thread


Mod that makes the game use more GPU than CPU (is this possible?)


More MoB on world map, and new kinds of powerful mobs to spice up end-game.


The ability to fly (by magic, flying mount...)


More display info on screen like: ( icon for buff / debuff ), healthbar and name on top of npc (colored depending if they are hostile or not)


Adding a favorite skill view or skillbar, so one does not have to pause the game to change skills


Ability to abandon side quest and drop associate items

(Good one!)


Any new dungeon or map location (various/all encompassing)


Possibility to respec/reset perk points and health/magicka/stamina

(pretty sure mods for this exist, but too lazy atm to look)


A nightmare difficulty level, making all dungeons harder and more intensive boss fights, where you can not lower the difficulty level; if you die 1 time, game over, as in that character is dead for good and you have to start over.


A better game balance like: perk tree change to make them less op and MoB really become harder as you level... because for right now, (Stealth = OP, smithing = OP, Enchanting = OP, destruction stagger 100% chance = OP, and many other... )


Another one from WoW: Dragonstalker Armor

Edited by Sorflakne
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In my opinion there is no visual mod that should be downloaded on sight, if anything it would be a mod that effects functionality that would attract me. In the end it is entirely opinion that effects what people download and do not download, and that is why you cannot really have a library of mods that everyone would download because you like things that others do not and vice versa. Edited by Falconsflight
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Master Sword quest from Zelda.


I'm actually planning on trying to make this myself someday if I can. I'd really like to replicate the pedestal that holds the Master Sword in the Lost Woods. A quest to collect the Three Pendants of Virtue and to claim the Master Sword.


Almost all of the art assets required are already in the game, it would just be a matter of putting them together. If someone else did this, I'd install it instantly.


That and a Trogdor dragon mod.

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Master Sword quest from Zelda.


I'm actually planning on trying to make this myself someday if I can. I'd really like to replicate the pedestal that holds the Master Sword in the Lost Woods. A quest to collect the Three Pendants of Virtue and to claim the Master Sword.


Almost all of the art assets required are already in the game, it would just be a matter of putting them together. If someone else did this, I'd install it instantly.


That and a Trogdor dragon mod.


Would you not have to recreate the modelling? because would it not be considered illegal? If not I would do the scripting for the mod for sure, I love The master sword quest, I am just not good at 3d modelling.

Edited by Falconsflight
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Cavalry mod with horse combat

Ability to start your own faction and define it (give it a name, a base, and determine allegiances and morality through some simple quests or dialogue)

Use boats

Persistent enemies that can chase you in/out of cells

Immersion fixes to keep NPCs from talking out of turn or saying complete bulls***

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