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Stormcloaks or Imperials?


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Which side did you choose between the Stormcloaks and Imperials? Why did you chose that side?


I chose Imperials in the early stages of the game. I visited both cities and thought Solitude was a much more beautiful city. I know that isn't a great reason to pick one side over the other, but it played a big part in my decision process. My character is also a Wood Elf and I don't like the way that the Dark Elves are treated in Windhelm.

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Which side did you choose between the Stormcloaks and Imperials? Why did you chose that side?


I chose Imperials in the early stages of the game. I visited both cities and thought Solitude was a much more beautiful city. I know that isn't a great reason to pick one side over the other, but it played a big part in my decision process. My character is also a Wood Elf and I don't like the way that the Dark Elves are treated in Windhelm.


'Im a High elf at the moment and I went neutral on the matter. Reason being that I don't like neither side and I kill both every chance I get. I married the Jarl of Solitude after becoming Thane and now I want to take over the land of Skyrim as the unstoppable Dragonborn mwuahahahaha

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My first character joined the storm cloaks because he was very foolish and misinformed in many respects, plus he enjoyed chaos and reveled in it.


My second character is Nord who is a staunch worshiper of Talos. He despises the Thalmor, yet he will not let the Stormcloaks rip Skyrim apart. Talos was once the great Tiber Septim, the founder of the third Empire, and a Nord to boot. He was also the great uniter of all of Tamriel. He believes that to tear Skyrim apart from the Empire is blasphemous by it's very nature. He has therefore joined with the Imperials and hopes to one day defeat the Thalmor with a unified Tamriel (as Tiber Septim would have had it) and restore the worship of Talos among his people.

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Yeah, I went Stormcloaks first too for the same reasons as stars2heaven (esp the chaos).


Went Imperial the second time but the beautiful thing was even now i'm not sure about either one. Each time I went into a city I'd get another viewpoint on it that made me reconsider. I thought that particular quest was great, offering a nice depth if you wanted it, or just a blood soaked rampage if that was your thing. History is written by the victors in the end, and as much as it alters the truth of events it lends a definite clarity of vision. Not having that made the whole thing fantastic- choose your truth and impose it on the world!

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Ive only played through the stormcloak quests.

Even in real life im not a big fan of the government and i am a believer in revolution. im the kind of person who thinks that if the people dont rise up to question their ruling government and it's decisions then things can only get worse. these personal view points on real-life issues really shaped my choice in what side to join while playing skyrim.


I do intend on playing through the Imperial quests on my next play though, just to see things from the other side :)

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Well you never follow the Imperial guard at the start cause they wanted to kill you so it's the Stormcloak helping there.


Later solid RP and went total neutral as every good companion should do but secretly leaning towards the Stormcloaks based on the earlier events.


This continued right up till the point one of the Stormcloak NPCs in their camp said "If your not a true child of Skyrim, you better walk away now" (racist much??). I'm a Breton. So total neutral it is. Their loss anyway. I'm pretty ard.

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Once Stormcloaks and once neutral although I placed as many cities as I could manage under SC control at the conference table.


Maybe I'll side with the Emperium in a future play just to see whats its like. Going on what ppl wrote it makes hardly any difference and the quest lines are very similar too.


It's not high on my list anyway coss I have no fascination for ancient Rome or the legionnaires and I think the Empire is very repressive. Don't like em.

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I went Stormcloaks, I just completed the Stormcloaks questline for the first time yesterday. My character is a staunch Talos worshiper and was unwilling to join a side that would agree to suppress Talos worship, and to her, the Empire are nothing but gutless milk drinkers bending their knee to the Thalmor. Now that the major fighting is over, she can concentrate on defeating Alduin. Once the country has had a chance to rebuild, she plans to return to Windhelm and play a major role in taking the fight to the Thalmor and rebuilding the true Empire.
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for me twas my characters that made the choise, not me. (if you know what i'm talking about)

my first char was a dunmer female (guess nightblade would be her class) merc. she served the empire on a contract basis during the great war, to be cheated out of her pay by the imperials. so she didn't like the imperials, nor the thalmor. the fact she was nearly beheaded by her former employers without cause drove the final nail in the coffin of the empire. (so to speak)


my second character was an ex legion breton spellsword from a garrison in highrock. (that’s spellsword not sellsword lol) so legion all the way for her. she might not have liked the fact that she was nearly beheaded, however seeing as she was an ex-legion veteran she was willing to give the empire the benefit of the doubt that one time. the first remark that the general made to rikke about "nords and their damn jarls" nearly made her walk out the door though.

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It's not high on my list anyway coss I have no fascination for ancient Rome or the legionnaires and I think the Empire is very repressive. Don't like em.


For me the empire is much better resembled by Victorian Great Britain in the 19th century than Rome. Mutual Welfare through trade, albeit taking the slightly larger part, colonies with some independence, but if they get any ideas, and they consider the colony valuable, their force gets there.


Also until Christianity very late Rome was very free and open to religion. Whenever they claimed a new region, they took the gods that the natives had as new ones and accepted them into their god-heaven. Thats why eventually they got multiple gods for the same thing. It only failed big time on Christianity, because of the very concept of Monotheism. In particular the problems started since in Rome, one payed his taxes as sacrical offering - which was refused, not accepting those gods, while Rome was pissed not what people believed, but because they didn't pay their taxes.


Well I have just much less fascination for that national socialism thing Ulfric is up to.

Edited by faifh
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