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Turtle Race


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Just had a great idea while watching a Ninja Turtles movie the other night and started working on a new texture for a Turtle race in Skyrim using the Argonian. After using the Argonian model thinking it might work in some way I quickly realized this wasn't the case. So I am just posting to see if anyone else would like to see a similar race in skyrim.


My idea of what they could look like was based off of the sculpture and drawing done.





here is the link to the whole forum the rest of the photos are throughout the forum.


For the Forum Click Here


For a basic lore for this race I was thinking they could be a almost extinct race in relation to the Argonians. They are extinct because they had been mostly wiped out by the argoninans and are bent of revenge against any argonians. Nothing too deep but just an idea of a race of assassins that hunt Argonians for their remaining clans, thus making them ninja turtles haha.


If anyone could do this that would be tits


here is my re-texture, not really done but a good start.



Edited by yGreedo
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