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you know in the stormcloak questline, when attacking an imperial fort how when you enter a soldier holds up a metal trumpet and sounds the alarm?

welll I saw the models for both Jorgen windcaller and torrygs bone horns and i thought, why can't we use them?

I propose making a horn with either of their models that is counted as a one handed weapon, but when you 'attack' you put the horn to your mouth and the imperial's trumpets noise is created.

maybe change the pitch but hey, even if it would not do anything wouldn't it ad a lot of immersion to the game if you wanted to be a stormcloak commander?

what are your thought on this?

Edited by Electricjudge
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I like this idea. How about if you blow the horn, members of your faction would spawn nearby to back you up?

Yeah, this is what I first thought but it could be difficult to achieve, although maybe not when the CK comes out.

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