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Losing your Inventory if you die (?)


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I thought about a mod that just drops your stuff in the location where you die. You would care about your stuff and you must choose what you take with you ( otherwise you could lose the items ). I mean:

If you store weapons in a box, you wouldnt use them ever again, because you have a better weapon in your inventory. But if you lose this weapon, you must take stuff out of your storage (in your settlement for example)

to get to the location where your dead corpse (or something else) is, to get your stuff back.

Could be nice if you wanna play survival mode or something.


I never scripted a mod and I dont even know if a mod like this is possible, but in my opinion, it would be very nice.



~ Smarkt


PS: sry for my bad english, it isnt my native language.

Edited by smarkt
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This would require a respawn mod that lets you respawn after you die or you would just keep loading a save that had your inventory intact. Great idea though and I bet both aspects are very doable.

I imagine the mod would likely take a form similar to this.

Upon loading a game a script runs.

Watch for player death

player dies

input the resurrect command on player
Drop all items except the pip boy

Teleport player to nearest allied settlement. or a fixed spot like sanctuary or even vault 111
Watch for player death

This might be great for survival, I think some other tweaks might be a good idea to balance the game now that the player can't technically die. I'd say a few things pop out right off the bat that would make this less game breaking.

Items dropped by the script would have a timer, maybe you only have 1-2 days to find your stuff before it disappears (gets looted). I think that actually having your items on your actual corpse would be great.

Your carry weight is slightly nerfed.

if you do not retrieve your corpse within the time limit you die and have to load a save before the script did it's thing, the script would either disable all means of saving during the period as well as fast travel, thus forcing you to fight your way back to your body.

Maybe if you fail to retrieve your items/body you have to start over with all of your perks, special points and quests reset but you get to keep your current level. So essentially an almost fresh start but with some progress carried over to the next run, This would also prevent loosing quest items.

I just realized I'm kinda describing a "Roguelike" mod XD

It's a great idea and I hope my ideas mesh with your ideas for this request. I kinda got myself excited.

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This would require a respawn mod that lets you respawn after you die or you would just keep loading a save that had your inventory intact. Great idea though and I bet both aspects are very doable.

I imagine the mod would likely take a form similar to this.


Upon loading a game a script runs.


Watch for player death

player dies

input the resurrect command on player

Drop all items except the pip boy

Teleport player to nearest allied settlement. or a fixed spot like sanctuary or even vault 111

Watch for player death


This might be great for survival, I think some other tweaks might be a good idea to balance the game now that the player can't technically die. I'd say a few things pop out right off the bat that would make this less game breaking.


Items dropped by the script would have a timer, maybe you only have 1-2 days to find your stuff before it disappears (gets looted). I think that actually having your items on your actual corpse would be great.


Your carry weight is slightly nerfed.


if you do not retrieve your corpse within the time limit you die and have to load a save before the script did it's thing, the script would either disable all means of saving during the period as well as fast travel, thus forcing you to fight your way back to your body.


Maybe if you fail to retrieve your items/body you have to start over with all of your perks, special points and quests reset but you get to keep your current level. So essentially an almost fresh start but with some progress carried over to the next run, This would also prevent loosing quest items.


I just realized I'm kinda describing a "Roguelike" mod XD


It's a great idea and I hope my ideas mesh with your ideas for this request. I kinda got myself excited.


Maybe it would be cool, if it doesnt even comes to the loading sequence.


Before you load a game, a message shows up which could say something like " You died, Would you like to respawn at your settlement or Load a savegame ? ".

So you die, the message shows up and you can choose.


It would looks like this (for example):


1. you die

2. Message asks you what to do

2.1 If you choose respawning at your settlement > run resurrect command > tp player to settlement ( you may choose which settlement )

(2.2 If you choose to load a savegame > Show the loading menu and you can choose a savepoint.)

3. Player respawns and is ready to roll


If you choose the first option, you dont have to load or something.


The idea with the duration until your corpse gets looted is very cool, but in my opinion you shouldnt lose your perks oder even die if you dont make it to your corpse. You should just lose your rare stuff, which you were had with you.


But very cool ideas! :)

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