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new home designs ?


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(neat screen-name, is it pronounced wahp-wohp, rhymes with chop-chop, or who-p-who-p? as in hoopy-hoopy)


to your question - that is an awesome question.

what do you envisage?

do you have sketches or images to expand on the exegesis,

so as folks know what you "know when you see it"?

the more specific you are, and the more exegetical stuff you share,

the more folks have to go on to help you find what you're looking for.


are you talking those pre-fab 'survival' concrete domes, 'tattooine style' mud rendered houses?

or 'biodome' style geodesic domes and wire-panel type polychora from architecture?


it may be possible to adapt the playground dome item from Sanctuary and install glass panels in it,

which would be fairly quick and easy.

set scale object 21,

use snap-n-build's triangular glass panels.

weld the object group together,

save the shortcut or the welded object group as a ploppable instance in the GECK for a crafting menu.

voila! - a glass-domed geodesic playground.


in the meantime -

several mods exist which you may also find useful

Star Wars Homes - build doors and locales from your favorite Wars environments. this includes several 'plopable' tattooine-esque homes.

snap n build's greenhouse and glass-buildable panels. these are autosnappy awesome glass stuff.

ddproductions' glass stuff, which might not autosnap quite as well, but i'll be danged if it doesn't look awesome

darthwayne's glass stuff and other awesome ploppable assets.

greekrages' technowizardry that is secret glass entrances etc. perfect doors to settlements.


a word of caution -

if you use a lot of glass stuff, your framerate might suffer on low-end installs/setups.


Good luck, and I'm looking forward to screenshots or a tour of your

modded settlement build!

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