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Making custom weapon, need help.


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lightning-thrower of some kind... you have me intrigued.

'zap' indeed. what better way to fry robots.

that would be an awesome non-stealth 'big guns + science" weapon.


did you make a weapons-mod-part, for a muzzle attachment,

and use defined weapon abilities on said part,

or did you make a custom muzzle attachment with a custom lightning effect?

or, did you make a complete one-piece 'standalone' weapon that is incompatible with

Any Mod Any Weapon?


may I inquire - what is the muzzle attachment of your weapon?

that may be, with any mod any weapon,

changing your projectile type on your standalone weapon back into a projectile.


try it out for yourself with;

Goodman's grue-bleen alien plasma gatling blaster,

fatman snowball launcher or cannonball launcher,

or the cannonball-STTMP phaser - plays the sound, shoots a cannonball, anything the cannonball touches makes the 'disintegrate' sound effect.


If you made a lightning animation which plays from the zero-point/hardpoint of touching the muzzle and body for

irregular or non-manifold weapon combos...

then, it can also have all kinds of weird happen.

instead, try offsetting that animation start point to further down the muzzle,

or as a layered sprite hehe.


for more in-depth feedback and ideas,

you'll have to share your Mod W.i.P with people so as they can load it up, playtest it and try it.

my guess is the pathway for the lightning animation is undefined or the game can't find it.


good luck,

I hope I gave you some ideas to check,

and I am looking forward to seeing your lightning weapon in FO4!

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Oh well right now just trying to make lightning gun, I like total noob to make weapons with creation kit. I trying to make a lightning shooting laser musket, thought sense it cranks up energy might make sense.


I tried to change the weapons base projectile into lightning but failed, anyone know how i can change it?

Edited by dudeinmask
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