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Mod Request: V-Shape on the fur-armor


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I have a small request on modding a fur-armor, i am talking about the fur-armor version with the leather chest-piece. Is it possible for someone here to mod this to have a v-shape / give it some cleveage ? If its an easy job, i could probably try myself, but i have never modded before :(





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Something like this? ... I don't use 'nude' mods so the default body requires the underwear (otherwise the mesh has wholes in it where the naughty bits should be) But I guess you could swap out this body for the Astrid body to make it full nude underneath ... Oh and I got rid of the pants too, to make it the same as the lower level versions. :teehee:


Edited by Perraine
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Sorry, been doing other sh*t ... Can't help with mesh editing I'm afraid, I don't have the skills (or the patience) to use Blender (worst, most cumbersome and ridiculous interface of ANY program ever!) and I can't afford one of the $$$ 3D programs


Hope this link works, look for the "Heavy Bandit" file (the other stuff is for a different game) ... Should just be able to drop the files into your Skyrim folder, have fun


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