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Jesus Ala Muhamad Budah


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My question to any religion that has to do with a god system:


If your god/s (Alah, Greek Gods, Christian god) created everything, what created your god/s?


I am an athiest at heart, but to me the most believable religion is Buddhism. The idea of Buddhism is basically, try to reach Nirvana. That could be any state of mind that one feels happy in.



Oh yeah, and if the Judeau, Islamic, Christian god is all the same, why does the Khoran freak you out when the Bible does not?

I believe that God(I am Christian) lives in a place(who knows where, but for this purpose we'll say Heaven) where normal laws of physics and such do not apply. Things there CAN just come from nothing. Its a very abstract way of thinking, but it does sufficiently describe EVERYTHING in my opinion.

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well, i would say that the bible and problobly many other religious writings are pure fabrications, just beutiful tales of travel, despair, hate, love, struggle, temptation, truth and much more i dont think that the majority of the old testament is pure figurative writing
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It's strange that some of you can't accept the world being created. What about me, who can't accept that it was not created but instead the universe worked out the way that it is?


Often, I find that a lot of people have problems accepting theology because they live in a very modern and unambiguous world that fails to accept the irrationality of the universe.

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well, i would say that the bible and problobly many other religious writings are pure fabrications, just beutiful tales of travel, despair, hate, love, struggle, temptation, truth and much more i dont think that the majority of the old testament is pure figurative writing

Actually, I also believe that the Bible, Khoran, any monotheistic writing is just a collection of legends, that, to the collectors mind, seem to point to one idea. Or the collector was a psychiatrist watching how the human mind forms....


Thats a new idea: God is a curious shrink from loooong ago.

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I have an answer to that, though I be Atheist.


Perhaps it doesn't know, and in order to understand how it came into being it created life to see if in time other 'Gods' would evolve from that life. Perhaps when a 'God' is born, another Universe is created. Who knows, and, more importantly, who cares? :rolleyes:

whoa, hang on, so are you saying we're in a cycle here, that everything will repeat itself again and again, we die, new universe, they die, new universe :huh:


although, i strongly disagree with those silly preachers going from door to door asking you to join, if they want members so they can talk their sheep into shelling out more money, then why dont they get a job, their constantly saying your prayers will be answered and all your questions will be answered, but no, thats not going to happen, you are born, you live, then you die, thats it, nothing else could possible happen, unless your mind took over you (sounds like a movie, haha), and you were living in some looney bin (i call heaven) you could not possibly find out.


what about when you die, and you suddenly realise, "oh...wheres....the gates?" the answer will hit you like a chainsaw in the face, there is no heaven, unless we have a good amount of evidence, and i mean good, not some fool who claims he saw god when he died and came back to life, but proof that this isnt just some scam like the church of scientology, that religion started off as a bet, some man wanted to prove his wife wrong that he can make his own religion, yet, he made it, now if he were still alive (i forget names :( ) he'd be rich, for all one can know, this could be behind christianity, it could have started off as a joke, then people are so brainwashed, if they somehow think of denying it, they have to run to a box, and talk to some man on the other end thinking "oh great, $15 an hour for this crap"


...*reads post*....damn i was babbling!

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I don't think it matters what you worship or not, as long as it has a positive influence in your life. Some people feel better and more complete with Jesus in their life, well who am I to say that that person shouldn't believe that? If they are happy and more complete worshipping Allah, then what is wrong with that? No religion is superior to another, the problem is how religions are used, or misused so to speak. And while people may immediately think about Islamic fanatics, think of 'our' history first, the crusades, the inquisistion and more particulary the atrocities in south america.
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If there was ever a creator (and I doubt it but no one knows everything) he created life. Human beings created religions that suited themselves. They were never given by this creator. Therefore if a creator exists then all religions worshiping him count equally. If he does not, 'belief' at least give comfort to some people. Let them have this comfort.


A problem only arises if one group says 'ours is the only true religion' and then tries to force this on others or to forcibly destroy others.


But in real terms the 'wars' waged in the name of religion have never seriously been about religion but about power and economics! Religion is used as the excuse. And yet all modern religions actually promulgate peace. As I raised elsewhere in Christianity the terms used are 'Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord' and 'Turn the other cheek'. Similar quotes can be found in Islam, Judaism etc.


People should be free to believe what they like. No one religion is 'better' than another, nor is agnosticisn or atheism or animism.


Why can't people just accept this?


Interestingly the fastest growing religion in America among the white community is Islam.

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Personally, I don't know whether the story of Jesus is believable or not. Even if the whole thing is a load of rubbish, you gotta admit it's pretty comprehensive. And some of the stuff in the Bible about what's going to happen in the future has been reflected in recent events (no I can't give you specific examples, I'm not good with this stuff) and they've even found scientific evidence of the things in the Bible happening. (Like I said, I'm not good with this stuff, memory like a siv, so can't remember it very well, but it was about a city that got wiped out by God, on the TV a while back).


Anyway, I'm a bit 50/50 on it, though I DO believe that there has to be some form of "God" that made the universe. It's all too structured to have been a random occurance of two particles bumping into eachother due to infinite chances of 0.0000 or whatever. Which makes no sense to me whatsoever. There may well have been a big bang, and all the scientific theories of how the universe formed are very convincing, but I believe there was some form of higher being that made it all happen.


And, like Malchik said, there is no "better" religion. Also, it's unfortunate that Christianity has taken such a downturn, I know a lot of very nice people who are Christian, but the view of most people now tends to be that they're a bunch of judgemental jerks who say you're going to hell/are in league with satan if you speak a word against God or whatever they believe in and try to force their religion on you.

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I personally do believe in god, but I couldn't prove to you that he would exist. I thought a lot about it and came to the conclusion that it is not about prove or disprove, because you will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of god, because you can't observe god in any way. To belief in god is therefore not rational and reasonable, because a rational person only beliefs what can be proven.


But why do I then belief in god? I don't belief in god because I could prove his existence to you, I do belief in god, because I experienced things which I couldn't explain with my rationality, with reason. And as long as you don't experience such things, I don't blame you for not believing in his existence, because I wouldn't myself.


The only way to "prove" the existence in god is shown in anoter thread ("the origins of life and the universe"). For those, who aren't familiar with this thread or don't want to take the time to reread it, I'll state here, what I've written there:



If we call our universe "Entity A", there are now several possibilities of it's existence (when we assume that it exists at all):


- It is unique (the only existing enitity)

- There are several other existing entities

- All possible enities (an infinite number) do exist


The first and second are not possible. The chance that from an infinite number of possible entities one or more than one (but not all the of the infinite possible entities) are existing without the other possibilities is zero. Either nothing existst or everything exists. When everything is existing then also "god" is existing. God would then be an "all-entity" which is not limited by other entities (not by dimensions and universes). Because every possible entity exists, also this super-entity, which we call god, is existing.


But this doesn't prove directly his existence, of course. It is pure theoretical and has nothing to do with our practical life, so we can't be sure, if this really is the case (because we are limited by our universe and our four dimensions).

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