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Just some help with and verification of Load Order


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Thanks for the help. Should brawl bugs go below my followers so that they are affected by it, or put it near my character changes like hair face and stuff like that?


Edit: I am also noticing an issue with collision for the hdt extension. I am using the cbbe hdt body, sexy idle animation, and the hdt breast and butt physics with collison but it doesn't seem to be working. I have the hdt effects just not the collision. ( Had to try it out. Never before have I seen physics extensions, thought it looked neat. Especially the hair.) This may be something that was caused by load order and now that XMPSE is at the bottom perhaps it will work right. Any advice is appreciated.

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You may be right. It could work now that XPMSE is at the bottom. I would suggest testing on a new game just to make sure.


This is the order I suggest often:

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[Other .esms]
Unofficial High Res Patch
[utility Mods] (things like SKSE Scripts, UI Extensions, papyrus util)
[All other .esps/mods]
Modern Brawl Bugs Fix <---Right here
[Texture mods] (Mods that make skyrim look better)
[body Textures/Meshes] (Mods that make NPC or player look better)
[Animation Mods]
Alternate Start
[Anything LOOT sorts after it]

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Thanks for your help and suggestions. I am actually reinstalling all my mods cause last night I decided to move steam and all my games outside of program files. I always forget that steam defaults there(just rebuilt my pc a little while ago. Had a crash, lost a lot of artwork.) So hopefully now everything will run smooth and free of the uac. < Never get used to seeing that. The first time I saw it I thought DOOM had indoctrinated my computer.

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