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Skyrim Special Edition - Loading Save Sizzling Sound


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Is it normal that there is a sizzling sound right after loading a saved game?


It really sounds like someone is frying something on a frying pan.


The sound lasts for about 1 - 2 seconds but is consistent and only happens when loading a saved game. Entering new areas or loading zones does not trigger the sound.


Might be related to the "markfordelete" console command because that's where I noticed (right after loading) the sound.


I already tried:

  • Console command - sexchange
  • Console command - pcb
  • Console command - resurrect
  • Unequipping / removing all spells, magic items
  • Fast travelling
  • Loading a older save
  • Reinstalling

but no results.


Any ideas? Is this normal or am I missing something?

Edited by GroxIan
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Do you have any magical effects on your character when loading in your save?


Yes, I already tried removing all of them via. "Console command - resurrect" on myself. It removed every active effect except race specific ones and since I'm Breton I still have the "Dragonskin" effect. I'm not sure if this is what triggers the sound but even after removing most of the spells the sound, sounds identical.

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Besides that I have a even bigger problem. When I'm AFK (game still runs) and I come back to continue playing everything starts lagging and I have to restart my PC just to close the game.


Basically I'm AFK, screen fades black, I return, everything laggs, I have to restart PC. This has never happened before on any game except Skyrim SE.


My specs:

Zotac GTX 970

i7 4790 3,6 GHz

8GB Ram


Any ideas?




I turned of the power save which fixed the problem but that still doesn't explain why.

Edited by GroxIan
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Do you have a shock weapon equipped? That was what caused my sizzling sound....embarrassed to admit it took me a long time to figure out. out of curiosity if you don't have a shock weapon equipped, try equipping one and readying it (ie draw your weapon) and telling us if that 'sizzle' sound you get on game load is the same as the one that happens when you ready a shock weapon ?

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