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[REQ] [WIP] The Great Library of Tamriel


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The Great Library of Tamriel


I'm in the beginning planning stages of The Great Library of Tamriel. I hope to link have a physical underground area in the Dwemer theme which spectral librarians and dwemer automatons which the player character encounters. Taming the area is only the first step, when evidence of a few refugees of Vvardenfell discovered. Apparently they were accidentally killed by the automatons. They have in their possession a couple books long thought lost to time and the ages.



[*] Complete Texts of every book ever featured in an Elder Scrolls game

[*] Newly discovered "Collected" editions of the sequential books. Very rare. [snipatomic]

[*] Adjust rarity of books

[*] Correct pricing for books - rarity is directly proportional to cost.

[*] The Dwemer Decimal System - a catalog system to track the books.

[*] Historically significant letters, memos, missives and other documents.

[*] Newly discovered alternate editions to texts thought lost... (lore-friendly explanation of original cover artwork and textures)

[*] Consistently radiant quests revolve around acquiring books, retrieving stolen books, etc...

[*] Rebuilding the Great Library, including acquiring financial support from the Jarls and the Emperor.

[*] Potential support or opposition by the Thalmor.

[*] New books discovered in Psijic Order, Synod, Falmer, Forsworn, and other factions bases and camps.

[*] Multiple NPC's (Spectral librarians, dwemer automatons, etc) to give quests, find books, clean, etc...

[*] Library would purchase certain books at a premium - far outstriping what might be received from the average vendor

[*] OOC - If people want to join in and write text, they will be attributed in-mod for their authorship and contribution to The Great Library.


That's the base idea... I see having rows upon rows of books, organized. The rarer books (Mythic Dawn, Oghma Infinium, etc.) might be secured to protect them...


The goal is not not copy/paste assets from other games, but using the text from UESP and pictures of the covers, etc... to create new versions of those books - hence the "Newly Discovered Alternate Editions" There will some subtle, annotated changes when appropriate.


Feel free to PM me if you want to help. There is an interested artist already, but writers, artistic, coders, whatever are needed at this point. As I said... beginning stages...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an excellent idea.


One addition: I'd like to see some of the series condensed into single books with tabbed chapters. I am a fan of reading the lore of Tamriel (and have been since Morrowind), but this can be frustrating when I cannot seem to find a specific book in the series. In the end, I forget what the previous books were about, and I miss out on the full story.

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Great idea--I'd LOVE to see this come to life. I love the books in the games and collecting them is one of my favorite things to do. Good luck and I'll be keeping my eye out for your mod in the near future! :)



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This is an excellent idea.


One addition: I'd like to see some of the series condensed into single books with tabbed chapters. I am a fan of reading the lore of Tamriel (and have been since Morrowind), but this can be frustrating when I cannot seem to find a specific book in the series. In the end, I forget what the previous books were about, and I miss out on the full story.


Definitely a pain to have 17 volumes of the same story. That would definitely be something that this mod would address.


Also, anyone else thought of like... renting? xD

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I was thinking about mirroring uesp.net with in-game books, so you don't have to alt-tab to check how to finish a quest (for example).


The concept is nice, but it is very immersion breaking for the purposes of this mod. I'm sure that there is a mod there, but it's not this one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. I'm working on a Library mod that includes a Printing Press which lets the Player use new items (Blank Library Book, Blank Library Paper.. , Journals, Notes, and Skill Books) along with a few Ink Wells to print any book in Skyrim. I'm working with a team on collecting rights to republish Skyrim-lore-friendly fan fiction. We have a decent selection already. Here is a preview of a Blank Library Book that will explain more:



Since what we're doing is similar, we should consider associating our projects in some way. We could promote each others mods, or we could take it a step further and I could include your books in my Printing Press menu, or we could go all the way and combine our projects into only one mod. What do you think? I'm open to ideas.

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