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Help please, i think my computer will explode !


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Whenever i ran Oblivion (and only oblivion) my computer starts doing very loud ventilation noises after about 10 minutes in the game. When i touch it its not hot or anything and i can play games like the Witcher 2. Could this mean my Oblivion files somehow catched a virus and it starts with the game and starts eating my computer or something ? please help.
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If you got your game from official sources (that means a store bought disk or Steam download) then I doubt you have a virus problem with Oblivion (notice I didn't say anything about the rest of your computer ... that's why we have antivirus programs these days ... use one). Back when the game was released it was the benchmark for stress testing a computer. Even though we'd like to think our technology today is way advanced compared to then, we really haven't made the kind of progress that can help Oblivion. This game demands a lot from your CPU. Today's CPUs are generally slower speed wise that the bleeding edge machines of yester-year (3.2 and 3.4 GHz without overclocking on some good old P4 Northwoods). Today's machines make up for raw horsepower by being smarter ... multiple core CPUs, operating systems that know how to use those cores efficiently, programs written to take advantage of all that. As far as programs go, Oblivion doesn't fall into that category at all. It was designed to run on a fast single core and Windows XP (32 bit at that).


Things you can check on your computer to make sure you don't have a hardware issue is things like check your CPU cooler for dust bunnies. A lot of cases don't have filters, and you'd be surprised at how efficient your computer can be at cleaning your rug without filters (and even sitting on a desktop it will 'find' your dust for you). Your video card cooler falls under this category too ... more dust = more heat = faster fans speeds trying to get rid of it.


You could also download and install a little application to monitor your temperatures. I use SpeedFan myself. It's not the simplest to get installed and will do more than just monitor your fan speeds and temps (I use it as my primary fan speed controller) but it has a number of charting features for all sorts of temperatures. There are others you could try too.

Edited by Striker879
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thanks a lot for all the info, my oblivion game is legit and last i played it (about 5 months) it didnt made my computer do this. Now i wanted to experience Nekhanimal vampire mod so i went to it again and found this anomally. I'll find myself a program to monitor temperatures, thanks for the suggestion, also, i ran a full scan with Mcafee and spybot just 2 days ago, nothing, so if there is some virus it sure isnt getting detected. I would think the problem was hardware if my pc starts doing this all the time, but again its only when i run oblivion.


Just in case let me mention i use most M.O.E mods, Nekhanimal as i mentioned and OBSE. Also some minor texture mods.


Thanks a lot for the reply but if you think of anything else that could be doing this please tell me because i dont think its any of the above, although i will check everything out.

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If it wasn't happening before you installed a certain mod it could be that the mod has some really high poly resources that are pushing your machine a lot more than before. Or adding some either really inefficient scripts or a lot of scripts.
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