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Which Mods should I choose?


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Hi everyone!

I just played Skyrim today since years, but the graphics even in the SE almost shocked me; it looks so old :laugh:

So i wanted to tune up the graphics, lights, character models... - but have no idea what I can do exactly that it will work with all the mods.


My question is now:


Any recommended mods from you that will make the game look in "HD" graphics, eventually with a load order?

What should I do that the game stays in my current language (german) and changes not to english?


I just thought about something like this:




(Sorry for my english, I'm german ;) Hope you know what I mean )


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Pick the ones you like the most that will work well together and on your system.

It's your game, not ours.

You could start with STEP and/or GEMS, and look at the Top Files and the most endorsed from each category to see what other people like the most.

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You can either do a Tag Search (Files -> Tag Search -> select 'German' and Go), check the mod description to see if any are linked, or Google/web-search it?

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