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Trying to Make a Custom Radio Station


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I tried to do this on my own with the GECK, but I can't properly use the Render window. I was wondering if anyone could either take a playlist and convert it into a radio station (I've got everything setup in .wav format, and I even edited the audio to have a kind of tinny quality to go with the setting) or a mod that would allow people to create a proper radio station (preferably one shuffles music, instead of just playing it one after another).

I'm willing to put in more work (including converting the files to .xwm, if that would make it easier/run better), and I truly don't mind if someone puts the mod up as their own (though I dunno if that would be problematic with the music selection).

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this sounds like a promising and interesting mod.

there are several approaches to getting the mod to work in-game.


a custom holotape-player and holotape mod,

a custom radio-station mod,

and a live-write mod.


depending on the nature of the audio and the volume (ie, quantity)

I would hold off on going a physical route for the moment,

and instead,

have you considered projects which are seeking

to make a live-stream capable embedded objects in game?


those might be the way to go for

streamable audio in-game.

this will let you have a LOT more than just 600 tracks.

this will also allow folks to have themed streams play in-game.

such as e-books, podcasts etc.

imagine being able to alter the language of a region node in game,

and the passive learning features which could be implemented.


a couple of projects are considering how to achieve this,

with the view to embedding stuff from soundcloud, spotify, itunes, or a bethesda-audio-net etc

it would be awesome to be able to stream stuff.

the downside is trying to do this in a way that securely protects user metadata -

not everyone needs to know your playlists etc.

the prototype at the moment is xtenz livestreaming from OEIS random integer sequences and some moog music,

perfect ambient music for the Institute,

though if the prototypes work successfully, other livestream sources will be tested too.


In the meantime, it is possible to simultaneously play

livestream audio while playing the game a number of ways.


I hope this helps with your projects,

and I look forward to seeing what you come up with for FO4

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I definitely wouldn't know about any of that. I'm happy to just utilize the in-game framework, and I know there used to be a mod to add custom radio stations (I'm disappointed it doesn't work properly anymore). I mean, being able to stream from outside would also be cool, and I know I could just play my playlist, but I like being able to put the station on the in-game jukebox.


I'm also aware of the PIP Pod mod, but I would like for it not to always play in order, and the 'shuffle' version apparently never manifested.

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