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Player Transparency and lighting issue


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Hi guys, wondering if you could help


Recently I've started noticing that my player occasionally becomes slightly transparent, mostly I notice around the shoulders. I can see the amulet she is wearing through her and a few details (mostly scenery object edges. Any ideas what could be causing this? (I do a few mods on: better females, no helmet, skimpy armour)


Other issue, I've always had, though i did put the first mod (better females) on very soon after starting the game. When near light sources like fire places or similar all characters seem blocky, almost as if they were made from lego, i think it's shadowing effects, as though there are small ridges across the contours of the body casting a small shadow.


Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance

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The blocky effect is actually in the game itself. Happens to some people, it never did to me though. I do believe there's a mod to fix this though.


And the transparent character can be caused by any kind of female body mods.


Based off of you're information, seems like you're game is typically normal.

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