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Light level sensitive power transmitter


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Can someone make a mod for a power connector/transmitter that will only let power flow depending on the ambient light levels, or maybe 2 different connectors, one with an => condition and the other with a <= condition. Ideally they would be configurable via a connected terminal so you can customize exactly how dark or how bright it needs to be before they'll transmit power. The use I have in mind that made me make this request is setting up automatic lights that automatically power on as it gets dark or during severe storms that greatly reduce the ambient light levels. I know the game registers light levels because remaining hidden while sneaking in dark corners is easier than in bright lights. I'm trying to dumb my way through the CK to see if I can figure out how to do it myself, but I have very little clue what to look for or how to go about looking for it so if someone more experienced would want to do it I would greatly appreciate it.

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