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a new team


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I'm game.


But I don't know how to code, modify textures or graphics, create scripts, type, eat without the help of a nurse, use the lavatory, and turn left. If your bar is low, than I'm your man!

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I guess he tried to jump the line by creating an own team for his requests, was worth a try - can't blame him


The thing it, it was done very badly. Not really worth a shot, if you ask me. There have been people with tenfolds the experience that have asked for a team, and not got any.

It's actually quite simple. The only people joining teams like this, are very new modders. The rest of us would join projects that got good pre-production, and some of us would join projects with an established management.

People have had more, asked for a team, and gotte nothing. This was nothing compared to them. I doubt this you would do anything more than grabbing the kudos for the work done.


That said:


for instance the possibility of a dragon mount

You don't need a team for that. I bet you at least a hundred skilled people got this in mind, and are simply waiting for the CK.


or maybe assassins creed weapons, particularly the wrist blade.

All you need is a single person with any basic knowledge of 3d, animation and rigging. Something anybody with a few years experience will have.


heres the tryouts

Now, how the heck do you tryout modding? And why would anybody do that for things that's done in a few days when the CK arrives, by anybody that isn't crap in modding? :/


Sorry for the attitude. But some times people need a reality check.

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Why being so rude ? That's how you reject a future modder ? can't blame u :rolleyes: , the presintation was poor ... I've got the feeling from it he didn't know anything about modding. I would actually suggest (as always) to read some TES construction set tutorials untill CK is out and tutorials are written for it . Try making some simple mods or fixes (You don't need to release them, I made tons of them that never left my comp just as practice (and couse they weren't worth the effort :( ) ). When you get how things work, know the difference between ID and Ref and can assign ambush package, you are ready to release mods. The modding community on the other hand, should be ready to support you if you really wish to make mods, and not only watch the post count or mods released. After all , everyone begins with one mod ...
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The basic problem is that the Construction Kit is the most important modding tool. It ties together all the other work that is done on a mod. So if you did have 3-D modelers and voice actors and scripters, you would still need to do a bunch of Construction Kit work to add all this stuff to the game so that you can see it when you play.


There is no Construction Kit to download. Bethesda says that it will be out in January 2012. I am thinking maybe January 31 at 23:00.


There are no tutorials available to learn how to use this software we do not have. Bethesda has stated that it will open up its wiki on the subject when the CK is released.


So you really can't do any serious production work on your mod at this time. You can't really hold accurate try-outs for your modding team because the software is not available and it is impossible to test who is good at using it. (In fact, it may be that nobody will be good at using it for awhile, since no one has ever seen it or got to practice on it yet.)


So if you want to learn to be a modder and the leader of a modding team that people will follow and respect, about the only thing you can do right now is learn to mod Oblivion and Fallout. There is a good chance that many of the skills needed for that will be similar to the skills needed to mod Skyrim.


Here is a link to the Oblivion modding wiki: The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki. That site has many tutorials and many articles and entries concerning how to mod.


If you want it badly enough, you will be able to be a successful Skyrim modder. All it takes is a lot of time, dedication, and work. A time could come that you will be a highly respected team leader who knows more than your team members so you can help them with their problems on the project.

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http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Category:A_beginner%27s_guide . This is a very detailed basic tutorial. Maybe its is long and lacks pictures , but it's your best choice. Try to google it in your native language, it seems like there are more translated articles then English ones. That site also contains guides for specific futures.Additionally you will have to play with CS on your own, as your own experience is important .


My name is Iv121 btw ...

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