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Are Family Values really about Family Values?


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yes the planet can't support more than 10 billion people around the place and they try to make it not a place worth fighting for either more or less.

I think i personal agree that also sexuality is apart of the personality and deny a part of identity and personalty by laws from a group of people especially in a democratic nation fells just not right in my stomach. How can this be called freedom when the dreams of others are denied to them by unjust law's that give double standards and compromised it at the same instance. It is still beyond me to grasp that in my brain and in my heart and my soul.

Don't Homosexuals bleed the same as we do?

Don't they feel the same pain if they get beat up as we do when it happens to us?

And don't they have the same right to say yes to one another if they love each other ?

If we as hereto sexual have the 'privilege' of marriage. what do we "gain" from denying those rights to those that are different in sexuality, in looks or in wallet?

Nothing but there is a loot to lose.


"Videant consules ne res publica detrimenti capiat."

"Let the consuls see to it that the state suffer no harm."

Senatus consultum ultimum

Quoted by Cicero.

Edited by SilverDNA
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And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?

Why do i have the good old Stones lyrics of "I cant get no satisfaction" hammering in my head reading this?

I assume it must be something you fear of ..

May I ask what you fear to lose by gay or lesbian marriages?


Damn Keyboard.

It is okay had the same this morning due to one hand typing and coffee sipping with the other as well.

I call it the one handed coffee break typos in the mourning when I' m still on 1st cup and the eyes lids still need matches for support.


I find it hard to believe that other people can get in love with one together while others with another sexual orientation don't have the same right to get happy in the way they think it will fit for them.


Isn't it a constitutional right in the US to have access to happiness without hurting someone else or at the expense of one others rights?


Yeah, I'd thought so, too! The rub is that the people who are bashing same-sex marriage do feel that it does hurt them, their beliefs, and their way of life, which is very unfortunate. The thing is, it doesn't harm them at all. Legalizing same-sex marriage doesn't mean that straight marriage will cease to be. It's not going to make Joe/Jane Straight Person suddenly decide they want to marry the same gender.


As for the whole reproduction aspect, well look. We have SEVEN BILLION FREAKING PEOPLE. We don't need anywhere near this amount of humanity, especially with what we as a species do to the environment and each other. I'd say we could afford to drop that down a bit :D


On this note...somewhat...I just saw a study that I can't find at present...that said same-sex relationships with children may have more well adjusted children. I am not sure I believe they are MORE well adjusted but at least perhaps they won't grow into Dauhmier or something. lol....peoples are stupidz.


Anyway the Family Values thing is typically toted by the extreme right-wing republican conservatives that are backed by the Christian Coalition. Perhaps they need a refresher course on the freedom of religion and separation of church and state thing? Besides its all smoke and mirrors so that they do not have to talk about the real issues. I am far more worried about America and her foreign policy or the unemployment rate that any so called, "Family Values." They aren't my family's values.

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What you're Missing is: telling Where you're from and your whole point of starting this topic, and what about their female homosexual counterparts?


"My favorite Type of Magic, Lesbomancy" -A Fictional Dwarf, in a fictional universe created by non-fictional individuals.


And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?


Damn Keyboard. and what's with the colorful responses???

It might just be me but yourRed , Green and Blue sections seem to be sending a mixed message. If it isn't too much trouble would you mind giving an amalgam of your thesis?

I assure you some of that was a lame attempt by a dude called Ihoe at Sarcasm, I apologize on his behalf. but would you elaborate on your meaning of mixed message?




And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?

Why do i have the good old Stones lyrics of "I cant get no satisfaction" hammering in my head reading this?

I assume it must be something you fear of ..

May I ask what you fear to lose by gay or lesbian marriages?

Good God, I don't Fear a Damn thing, as I stated Above, It's A Theoretical Proposition by Certain Individuals, Ehem, that gay marriage would be an alternative to normal marriage for straight men that can't Marry a Woman through normal means.

Damn Keyboard.

It is okay had the same this morning due to one hand typing and coffee sipping with the other as well.

I call it the one handed coffee break typos in the mourning when I' m still on 1st cup and the eyes lids still need matches for support.

Well, I Actually meant some of the keys didn't work during typing the original post so I had to reedit it to fill the missing gaps. I hope That's Solved.

I find it hard to believe that other people can get in love with one together while others with another sexual orientation don't have the same right to get happy in the way they think it will fit for them.


Isn't it a constitutional right in the US to have access to happiness without hurting someone else or at the expense of one others rights?

It's The US, and that's Specifically why I wrote the Red Part (See Above).

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Family values... family values.. that phrase is thrown around like nothing else when it comes to same sex marriage. But, as a response, I think the "family values" touted by the people against same sex marriage is simply bigotry with a thin veil in front of it. Basically it's a "think of the children" ploy, and hiding behind children to lessen the sociopolitical backlash because your views should have stayed back in the dark ages is abhorrent.


Personally though I think the idea of "Family Values" is, in large part, subjective. Take my view on it for example:

I have few friends IRL, but they are friends that I have had for a long time, and I consider them family. I would give my life for them like I would an actual blood relation that was close. On that same token, there are blood relatives of mine that I could care less about. In the end it essentially boils down to this: If I know you, and trust you, and am able to form a close bond with you, you are family, and I will fight tooth and nail to keep you safe, sacrifice to make you happy, and so on.


Those are what I consider family values, so in my opinion, mine are family values...


Sorry if that is a bit confusing or long winded, I have a headache... >.<

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A couple of you have basically already said this; but I will say it again. In my opinion the term "family values" is a euphemism for homophobia and hatred and fear. It is the same as using the term "ethnic cleansing" when we are speaking of "murder". People who are not honest enough to come out and say what they mean make my skin crawl.


Family values have nothing to do with values. They have to do with imposing restrictions on one segment of the population because another segment is uncomfortable with their choices, pure and simple.

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A couple of you have basically already said this; but I will say it again. In my opinion the term "family values" is a euphemism for homophobia and hatred and fear. It is the same as using the term "ethnic cleansing" when we are speaking of "murder". People who are not honest enough to come out and say what they mean make my skin crawl.


Family values have nothing to do with values. They have to do with imposing restrictions on one segment of the population because another segment is uncomfortable with their choices, pure and simple.



I will admit to walking on eggshells for fear of getting an immediate topic lock when I first started this. Granny, you pretty much hit it on the head. This is exactly how I feel, stated far more bluntly than I did.


the thing I've noticed is no one on the liberal pundit shows ever comes out and says this. Either they've never thought of it, or have, and are somehow prohibited from saying it.

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Alright, I have to partially disagree with you on this guys. The idea of an idealistic family, according to you, are what would be your family values. Now, I did say that whenever family values are used to try and restrict someone's rights it's only a thinly veiled attempt at hiding their bigotry and homophobia.


Here are what I would say are the things I want to pass on to my children (obviously including basic life skills):

1. Be open minded.

2. Don't get in the way of someone else being happy, with the exception of their happiness causing true harm to someone (I.E. Physical or psychological abuse towards another being what makes said person happy.)

3. Always look to learn more.

4. Don't discriminate against those that look different or lead a different albeit harmless lifestyle.


Those are my values and since I want my children to share in those with me, therefore, they are my family values. That is my perception of it.

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Either they've never thought of it, or have, and are somehow prohibited from saying it.


They don't have the balls to say it, nor the intellect and power of spirit needed to then justify their "claims" in the face of the hurricane-like winds of backlash that would immediately arrive.

Also, they would be painted most colorfully by certain sectors of the media for dare speaking the truth, even if they survived the initial blast.

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To expand the lines a bit further back to the small people that think in such discriminatory way's and since the they cant speak this out anywhere. So the next conclusion is, how those express their behaviour in life to border out people and get their will be done in another way ?

Does the Phrase : "Actions speak louder than words." come to your mind for above as an answer?

Now to drive it a bit further the how would you explain this to someone else and what would be the normal reaction..

Normally the people don't want to get involved and go into disbelieve and pluralistic ignorance if they get confronted with such matter..



You did use the traffic lights colours in the wrong combination with your statements and since paragraphs also from top to bottom got more and more pejoratively, I wasn't able to see your sarcasm. Since from your posts in other topics I know you to be more moderate, I saw a needed to put it straight.


Edited by SilverDNA
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