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Any way to radomize height of npc's?


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I think there would be a way. After all you can adjust scale in the game and I have seen mods that randomize raiders and settlers faces. I think the problem is that adjusting height or scale in the game causes other issues such as interacting with objects and what-not. :huh:

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I have seen kids and adults ingame but no mid level ages. Was hopeing to get some that looked more like teenagers to put them to work in gardens and such. and put the kids in a school house. Im not too worried about interactions too much. If shrink a adult down a head or so shorter. Or oppisite for a kid. Most of it is for makeing settlement look more like real settlement.

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There is a very slight height element in the game, but none dramatic enough to clearly be teenagers. Though it should be possible to shrink adults down with a console command:

[Reference ID].setscale [#] 10 is the normal size, 1 is the lowest size. I know this command can be used on the player, but I haven't tried it with NPCs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

a simple little script one would think that you attach to the actor:

Scriptname OnSpawnScaleScript extends ObjectReference

Bool Property HasBeenScaled

Event Onload()
	if HasBeenScaled == false
		akHeight = Utility.RandomFloat(0.97, 1.0)
		HasBeenScaled = true

this was just off the top of my head, sure its self explaining, but that seems the easiest way to do it.

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