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Does Oblivion produce ANY kind of crash log?


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I've spent the last two weeks or so looking for and downloading new mods for Oblivion. I haven't installed anything yet, and Oblivion was working fine about a week ago.


This morning, I went to load Oblivion so I could take a few screenshots for comparison, but it crashed as soon as it got to the loading screen.


I want to reiterate, I have not installed any of my new content, nor have I changed any of my existing mods. The only thing I've done that directly touched the game was to extract all the clothing textures from the stock BSA.


So, I've looked (fruitlessly) before, and couldn't find a crash log. But hopefully someone here can let me know where it's hiding. Cause I really don't want to tease out 50-odd individual mods thread-by-thread trying to find the bug...



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I always say only do one thing at a time, and then when your game breaks you'll know where to start troubleshooting.

The only thing I've done that directly touched the game was to extract all the clothing textures from the stock BSA.

There's where I'd start.

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