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New to Modding - Consistent CTD's - Need Help


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Whenever experiencing random CTDs, I generally look to either a Skeleton issue, a weather issue, a rain issue, a sound conflict, a memory issue, or a conflict in mods that isn't super prevalent or noticeable. Here is what I'd suggest:

1. Download Ragdolls and Force as well as XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended. Some mods require these and don't mention it because they are so commonly used. I feel they add more stability anyways to the game. Place XPMSE at the bottom of your load order just above Alternate Start.

2. Your weather and lighting mods should be fine. It's generally when I see people install lighting mods that add weather.esp's from the lighting side that I see issues.

3. You aren't using any rain mods that can bog down your system, not that they always overpower systems. They just can cause CTD i've noticed if not installed properly.

4. It could be a memory issue. Go over to the Crash Fixes mod page and make sure you read it and install it. It can help stabilize your skyrim. Also, make sure that if using windows 10 that you are optimized for Skyrim: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500687692

5. I don't see anything that conflicts so much. I would have suggested Open Cities if anything, but since you got rid of it, no biggie. I would suggest you start a new game and see if it still crashes after all such things. When modding, it's not abnormal to experience crashing every once in a great while, but frequently, no.

6. As for a sound conflict, I've experienced strange things with Sounds of Skyrim and other mods, but I've never used AoS. I'd imagine that it's possible to be conflicting with some mod somewhere, but I doubt it. You can check for conflicts in TES5Edit if you want. There should be youtube videos showing you how to do it.

Edited by snelss0
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