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"Store All" mod


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Whoever plays with Alchemy will get my point.


I collect thousands of ingredients, many of which will have 5 or less samples. After getting home from questing I store them in a pouch.


Whenever I want to practice alchemy to learn new properties, I pick all my ingredients and start experimenting.


After I'm done I have to spend a long time storing all my ingredients. " E Y E Y E Y E Y E Y" usually eating a few by accident.... It's a bit annoying.


I think I'm not alone when I say that I would definitely download a mod that gives possibility of "store all".


Dragon Script will probably be needed.

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its a very good idea but i think it must have a "button" for all sections it self.


i don't want store my weapons, armor or miscs together with the alchemy thinks. the time i need to loot the stuff there not have a place in the pouch took longer than i need to store the alchy stuff.

it means that i only want store the alchy stuff in the pouch but nothing others.


sorry for my bad english, iam german and my english is not so good^^ i hope you know what i mean :)

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Thank you for replying.


Yeah, I definitely agree with you, it really should be section-based.


I know nothing about modding, but I imagine making one like this shouldn't be as hard as some other Macro-based mods that are out there already.


Hopefully someone will hear our prayers hahah.





I don't see any problem with your english, no need for apologies. =]


I'm foreign too. I live in Brazil.

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