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CTD during Character Creation (Unbound mod)


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Hello there guys, I'm fairly new to modding. I installed a few mods (ill attach an image of my activated mods from my NMM). Problem is I keep getting CTD after making a character.

I currently have RealVision 279 ENB installed. I only have the original base game for Skyrim, no DLC. I have let LOOT sort out my load order.

My PC specs are as follows:

Super Clocked 970 GTX 4gb VRam
Intel i7-5820k @ 3.30GHZ

(Progress and Success)

It was ENB related. However I do have a question, with my Specs I am using the RealVision ENB it looks WONDERFUL but shouldn't I be getting a better performance? I'm hitting a hard 30fps and dipping.

Edited by uniyubii
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