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Katana retexture and alteration


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Hello, people. I followed the instructions on searching for a mod, but so far as I can tell, the mod I want to request hasn't been requested or made yet. I would like a more powerful version of Goldbrand that is set to do shock damage. I would like the colors on the blade and the handle recolored for something more suited for storms and lightning. Please and thank you. And please, please, please, for the love of the Nine, Sithis, and all of the Daedric Princes, do not add any kind of guard to it. Edited by StormlordAssassin
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I have a retexture and small mod that I made a while ago, called "The Eltonbrand [Remade]". It doesn't, however, do shock damage but it does have a coloration that would be suitable for a thunderstorm (black and sapphire). It depends on what you'd consider "suitable for storms and lightning".


EDIT: Also... Goldbrand already has a guard? That's what that thing in between your hand and the blade is :P

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I've got a couple retex's of the Akavari Katana that might fit what you are looking for : Here's a Nifskope Screenie of them --- and a closeup of the Hilt detail -- I made them a couple years ago amd never used them other than personal use but if you'd like to use them for this I can either just send you the NIfs and textures or can place them in game would just need some details on what stats you want on them and where you want them placed ( ie. what vendor should sell them and should they be one of a kind or respawning and what strength of enchantment if you want it enchanted - and should they be one or two handed weapons (or both)) Edited by JDFan
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I had forgotten it had a guard. My current character is running around with a copy of Mjolnir. Perhaps I was confusing it with Ebony Blade? No that has a guard as well....hmmm.....could you alter it to do shock damage and up the blade's damage a bit, Lord Frostcraig? No less than 2 points, but no more than 4-6 I would think.
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I suppose. Give me a few minutes and I'll upload it as an optional file. Also, in the range of two to six points, that's very low for an enchantment. I can't do without my swords having around 25 at the minimum :P


I'll make a couple versions and you can use whichever strength you find best.

Edited by Guest
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@ JDFan ... I'd be interested if you ever decided to release those katanas ... they are some seriously sweet looking pieces! If you don't want to go through the bother of releasing them as a mod (which I would totally understand) I can PM you my email ... I'll get them into my game, no worry.
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@ JDFan ... I'd be interested if you ever decided to release those katanas ... they are some seriously sweet looking pieces! If you don't want to go through the bother of releasing them as a mod (which I would totally understand) I can PM you my email ... I'll get them into my game, no worry.


Just send me a PM with an e-mail address and I'll pack the meshes\textures up and send to you - IF you want to make a mod with them for release that's fine or if you just want to use them for personal use either way. (I'm currently a bit busy working on a couple retextures for some other things) These have just been sitting on the HDD for a couple years and I didn't really have any plans for using them.

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