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Mod Managers and Utilities


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The urge to play Oblivion has returned once again and of course I want to mod It. The last time round I over did It and the game would constantly crash even though It played smoothly and looked great. But this time I've learned to be more cautious, steady and won't over do It.


I used Mod Organizer, Oblivion Mod Manager, and WryeBash In small quantities, which looking back was a bad Idea. This time however I'm going to ditch Mod Organizer completely and just stick with WryeBash and OBMM. For loading order It's either BOSS or LOOT I don't really know much on that front, so If anyone has any In sights or experience between the two would be much appreciated and of course I'll be using TESlV Edit. But If anyone has any tips or recommendations that would be great, Oblivion's my favourite game and It's been far to long, besides that, I've never done a full on playthrough with mods, only testing.



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In my opinion BOSS is the best tool for Oblivion load order management. It is being kept up to date by mhahn123 (so if you run into an unrecognized mod report it here). Run BOSS from within Wrye Bash (tool bar in the lower left).

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I'll definitely be using BOSS along with WryeBash and OBMM. Should I use WryeBash as the main manager for Installing mods and only leave OBMM for the specific mods that require It?

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Many work it that way.


I'm a rather poor one to give a subjective answer to that as any time I run into a mod that only comes distributed as an OMOD I only use OBMM to extract the OMOD to a folder and then do my usual manual install. I do use Wrye to handle the installation of a bit more than a handful of mods ... primarily Arthmoor's villages and HUD Status Bars (and probably a couple more I'm not recalling right now). I thought that WB could install some OMODs, but could be I'm mis-remembering (and I haven't ever tried myself).

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I'll just go for It, that's what I did last time and It went well, I just went a little over board with adding mods at certain rates which caused my game to crash every 30 seconds, give or take.

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My Installations procedure was exactly the same but this time I'd learn't to use Wrye Bash properly and after that I thought I was the God of Modding. I'll definitely be more cautious this time, one mod, one test, rinse and repeat as you said, It can take time but It's worth the wait and effort for Oblivion.

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Pay close attention to what WB reports in the windows to the right when you add a new mod to the Installers tab list. The order from top to bottom in that list is "install order" and can be adjusted to get the desired result (where manual install relies on doing each step correctly, in the correct sequence).

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