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Havok animation tutorial very easy (video)


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Thanks. Does that animation work as is in Skyrim, or did you have to edit it in NifSkope in any way?


Also, I see you're using a new skeleton. Does this approach preserve the bone order (so that it's usable by an existing skeleton,hkx) if you're only editing a pre-existing animation and not creating a new skeleton?

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Thanks. Does that animation work as is in Skyrim, or did you have to edit it in NifSkope in any way?


Also, I see you're using a new skeleton. Does this approach preserve the bone order (so that it's usable by an existing skeleton,hkx) if you're only editing a pre-existing animation and not creating a new skeleton?



u can take whatever skeleton u wanna animate, bethsedas own skeleton aswell, this is just a modified version of it with extra bones.

ive putted a description and the video on the download link on nexusfiles.


i just simplyfied this steps abit by taking the scene in max instead of external file


and yeah it should preserve boneorder since nothing else was changed.


based on what u need if u need skeleton just delete export animation in havok export

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will write step by step what i did:



1. Extracted anims

2. Converted them to .kf

3. Imported skeleton.nif with those settings below:






4. Imported mt_walkforward.hkx with those settings:




5. Checked dope sheet:





6. Changed NOTHING, just clicked havok content tools->export

7. In animation added create skeletons create animations

8. In create skeletons build rig from selected (all items on scene was selected)

9. In create animations animation tracks from selected

10. In core added write to platform

11. Run all configurations:





12. Run havok preview tool

13. Open skeleton.hkx

14. Add cmonworkyoudumbanimation.HKX

15. Ragdoll mapping: animation->ragdoll

16. Run physics


Skeleton just stay and don't move






Same thing in game as you saw on video

Edited by zdzichorowerzysta
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weird cuz it worked for me


oh and btw, u seems to have camera as root node, thats why it aint working

second picture from bottom

thats why u character aint moving,

camera cant be root node, it has to be attached to root node


otherwize test the one in wiki but u need niftools export 3.7.1

easy to do, ive never tried it thoughgt but i now the newest niftools exporter dont work u need this one





download yourself



6 post from top, user figment


or go here, the step is basicly the same as mine




scroll down until u see tutorials

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