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Elder Knowledge problem unable to complete


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Okay somewhere along the way this quest (Elder Knowledge) got sidetracked.


I have gone through the whole thing,


  • Ask Urag about the insane book
  • Find Siptimus Signus
  • Transcribe the Lexicon
  • Give the Lexicon to Septimus
  • Harvest Falmer blood
  • Harvest High Elf blood
  • Harvest Wood Elf blood
  • Harvest Orc blood
  • Bring blood to Septimus
  • Take the Oghma Ifinium



my Elder Knowledge quest is still active

with 'recover the scroll' as not finished,

it points to the Tower of Mzark, but upon returning there, the Cylinder where the scroll should be is empty. <it points to the Cylinder>

I have gone to Paarthurnax and no options to read the scroll, gone to Urag to see if I could buy the scroll, no option available,


I have the Blood Scroll

I have the Sun Scroll

just no Dragon Scroll


I am at my wits end. I don't remember selling the scroll ... don't know what to do



I know this is a mods forum, but thought someone might be able to shed to light

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Did you remember to take the Lexicon after you transcribed it?


As to getting the scroll, in the console try: player.additem 2d513 1


If that still doesn't work, in the console type: sqs mq205

This will show you what stages of this quest have been completed. Then, if needed you can use the setstage command to complete whatever stages are left. Here is a reference page to help.

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