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Locating a world cell


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It's an exterior world cell, outside of Cyrodil. I'm looking for a specific place found in game to hopefully place a house. The problem is, it's nearly impossible to find in the CS as there are really no landmarks.
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It's an exterior world cell, outside of Cyrodil. I'm looking for a specific place found in game to hopefully place a house. The problem is, it's nearly impossible to find in the CS as there are really no landmarks.

The easiest method would be to get yourself into the rough general area, using either a town, or one of the more unique features, like daedric shrines, doomstones, and pulling up the use information to get you close. Then use the arrow keys to move a cell at a time till you get to where you want. Doing that, you can follow roads and other features to locate what you want. You can also load up an interior cell, like a cave interior, then find the exit door, and see where it links. Just make sure that whatever you're adding is within the right worldspace. If it's outside a city, it should be in the Tamriel worldspace, not in the city's worldspace.

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It's an exterior world cell, outside of Cyrodil. I'm looking for a specific place found in game to hopefully place a house. The problem is, it's nearly impossible to find in the CS as there are really no landmarks.

The easiest method would be to get yourself into the rough general area, using either a town, or one of the more unique features, like daedric shrines, doomstones, and pulling up the use information to get you close. Then use the arrow keys to move a cell at a time till you get to where you want. Doing that, you can follow roads and other features to locate what you want. You can also load up an interior cell, like a cave interior, then find the exit door, and see where it links. Just make sure that whatever you're adding is within the right worldspace. If it's outside a city, it should be in the Tamriel worldspace, not in the city's worldspace.


I was hoping for a more precise method. Perhaps I'll just head towards it in the general direction and put a map marker and see how close it is to where I want to be. Hopefully it'll give me enough information to be a bit more accurate. Unfortunately, I can't locate it with landmarks, as there are only trees and mountains outside of the "playable" map. Thanks Vagrant0. At least I have an idea on the best way to proceed.




-Edited for grammar

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i ran into this problem just yesterday, and a quick google search for "oblivion grid map" turned up this:


http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=29469 - default version


http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=29567 - delineated Unique Landscape borders as not to conflict with those existing mods.


so go to the location you're looking for in-game, take a mental note of your marker on the map, and find it on the grid map linked above.


remember kids, if you dont know something, google probably does! :cool:

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That's exactly what I've been looking for. Unfortunately, the game doesn't like it when I place a map marker outside of Cyrodiil. Maybe I'll put a warp portal there instead. Many thanks. :thumbsup:
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