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AUGH! I should've known this would happen. Need new build id


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Be wary and always do a second save of your character if you let other people play Skyrim on your machine. I just need to vent a bit before my girlfriend gets off work.


Last night I went to bed early. I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to play (yes, she plays, and no, she doesn't look like a troll :P) Skyrim, and she declined at that point, so I didn't feel the need to make a second save (I usually just rely on my quicksaves). I went to bed, and didn't think anything about it. I wake up at 2 AM to get a drink, and see her playing. I say, "I thought you didn't want to play?", and made sure she saved my character (she said yes).


Well, I finally sit down to play tonight; I've been working on a poison master build, and was at level 31, having completed the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests. I load up her save, make sure she's got it saved outside of quicksave, then go to load my character..


..Only to find the last save was 16 levels ago, before I finished either guilds' quests.




It's a good thing I love her, otherwise I might be more upset. Sure, it's just a game, but it has been a nice diversion from my work and the upcoming recording of my new album.


I'm not really sure I want to re-build this character. If I do, I'm going to start from level 1, just because it's hard to pick back up where I left off not 100% sure what I was doing and what needed to be done in the build.


Anybody got any good suggestions for new builds? Thus far I've done 2 pure mages, a battle mage, a ranger, an illusionist/thief, and a paladin.

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