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Castle Volkihar Gate Glitch


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Hi fellow dovas, i have been struggeling with this glitch in the Volkihar Castle. I'm not having problems getting in since i used a console command to teleport myself in the castle (also i teleported Serana with me because she didnt come herself) and the quest keeps going as intented. So the problem is that the gate that was supposed to be opened by the guard is shut so i really cant get out of the castle without fast travelling or using "tcl" console command. Of course i could do that but just because of roleplaying reasons, i dont want to.

So is there anyway to open or remove the gate so that i dont have to go thought it everytime i need to visit the castle? Is there a lever to open it? I have been searching for an answer for atleast 2 hours now and i dont know what to do. Any help?
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