Helexs Posted January 25, 2012 Share Posted January 25, 2012 Hello sorry for my bad eng. i shuld whant some one nice person to do a armor thats looks good on the Argonian race, the armor in the game isn't stylish or good looking on the Argonian. sow plz help a skyrim nerd out :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
immortalfrieza Posted January 25, 2012 Share Posted January 25, 2012 It's true, Argonians don't really look right in ANY armor. However, the one thing in particular that armor for Argonians seems to be missing is some sort of armor on the tail, the tail just looks so out of place when wearing a full suit of armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllumXoc Posted January 30, 2012 Share Posted January 30, 2012 Sup I feel your pain, it seems even in the nexus taht Argonians receve little love :( However I am fully intending to, with the help of a friend of mine, mod some armor specifly for Argonians. However, again, The lore gives no indication to the kind of armor that an Argonian would have. The best I can think the argonians, before the elves and imperians invaded, didn't use armor, but light cloths to cover themselves. Once the elves and inperials invaded they would lneed better armor to protect their homes, families and themselves. What I have come up with is two designs, one heavy one light. Neither of which involve the Hist tree. Why? because the lore states that after the plague that drove all but the Argonians out of Argonia there was only one Hist tree left in existance. Light armor: scaled armor (probably Slaughterfish scales. Heavy armor: Leather hardined with non-Hist tree resin. If you have any ideas for either let me know :smile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joshuahoeth Posted February 8, 2013 Share Posted February 8, 2013 see i want a modder to put tail armor on you when you where the torso piece for looks only but still for example if you eqip daedric your tail would have some sort of daedric plating Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strokend Posted February 9, 2013 Share Posted February 9, 2013 see i want a modder to put tail armor on you when you where the torso piece for looks only but still for example if you eqip daedric your tail would have some sort of daedric platingUnfortunately, tail armor would be difficult to implement using the vanilla tails (as far as my limited knowledge says, anyways). You'd have to work off of one of the mods that modifies their entire being so that the tails are on by default, not a paste-me-on to a human body. That would seem to require Dawnguard, as vanilla Skyrim doesn't have much supports. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meester Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 Surely argonians would just tuck their tails away into their armour somewhere? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted1308005User Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 see i want a modder to put tail armor on you when you where the torso piece for looks only but still for example if you eqip daedric your tail would have some sort of daedric platingUnfortunately, tail armor would be difficult to implement using the vanilla tails (as far as my limited knowledge says, anyways). You'd have to work off of one of the mods that modifies their entire being so that the tails are on by default, not a paste-me-on to a human body. That would seem to require Dawnguard, as vanilla Skyrim doesn't have much supports.I see no reason why It'd require Dawnguard.. Besides, with Skyrim's system it should be fully possible to do such.Just using the same system as helmets use.There's actually two options: 1. Whole new armor addon that is only visible on argonian. 2. Different armor for argonian that has tail plate on itself. For example, there would be two variants of daedric armors. One for argonian, and one for the rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strokend Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 I see no reason why It'd require Dawnguard..Ah, sorry, I typed that while I was having issues with Nexus Mod Manager (I clicked yes without reading and replaced some joint-part mods that were both needed)There's actually two options: 1. Whole new armor addon that is only visible on argonian. 2. Different armor for argonian that has tail plate on itself. For example, there would be two variants of daedric armors. One for argonian, and one for the rest.Probably should set it to six, then. Male and Female Man/Mer, Male and Female Argonian, and Male and Female Khajiits, since Khajiit have a skinnier tail. Or you could just give Khajiit the Argonian's tailplate and say it was easier for them to get their tail through (Theirs curl and bunch up, whereas an Argonian's probably wouldn't). I know the thread's dedicated to Argonian Armors, but that's no excuse to diss on the other beast race. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonchris152 Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 Sup I feel your pain, it seems even in the nexus taht Argonians receve little love :( However I am fully intending to, with the help of a friend of mine, mod some armor specifly for Argonians. However, again, The lore gives no indication to the kind of armor that an Argonian would have. The best I can think the argonians, before the elves and imperians invaded, didn't use armor, but light cloths to cover themselves. Once the elves and inperials invaded they would lneed better armor to protect their homes, families and themselves. What I have come up with is two designs, one heavy one light. Neither of which involve the Hist tree. Why? because the lore states that after the plague that drove all but the Argonians out of Argonia there was only one Hist tree left in existance. Light armor: scaled armor (probably Slaughterfish scales. Heavy armor: Leather hardined with non-Hist tree resin. If you have any ideas for either let me know :smile:I've heard of two armors. A leaf armor hardened with hist sap and a lizard scale armor. As far as I know argonians use light armor as black marsh isn't the kind of environment someone in plate would be able to maneuver in, so anything light and flexible would be in the argonians style. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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