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Companions Carry Stuff


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I am playing with a couple of Lydia upgrades that allow me to access her inventory and have her carry stuff.


I have tweaked Unlimited followers and can get another companion to folllow me, Lisette for example.


I have tried changing everything in Lisettes NPC details using the editor but cant get the carry stuff option. I made her factions and AI packs exactly the same as Lydia but still no carry dialogue.


Has anyone managed to get a second companion to have an accessible inventory as well? Is it possible? There is a reference to "sandbox" in the ai packs, amd I right in saying this is a container somewhere that stores Lydias inventory?


Any help welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update, made a simple bat file called "In" with the single command line, so all I have to do is type "bat In", and if i havn't selected anything else, Lisette is still selected since the last time.


Using this system with the Unlimited Followers mod, I can access all their inventories almost as quickly as having to click on Lydia. But I onlu have Two and Lisette has he bard stats so she gets knocked out pretty quickly. Curious side effect of her Bard traineing, everytime we enter an inn and there is a bard there, she races over and starts to drink and jiggle. (Think she is a bit of a party animal).


Found out why console commands don't seem to work sometimes, it is because you can't click on your intended target at times, overlapping influences. Move slightly and this usually fixes it.

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