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Better Beast race tail animations


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I haven't played a Khajit so I don't know that much about their tails, so I'll just go by what I've seen on the Argonians. However, I have noticed a bit of an oversight on the part of Bethesda, a dead Khajit 's tail will still move slightly as though it's owner is still alive. Anyway, on topic


The tails of Argonians seem to be just "there", purely cosmetic, and I think that Bethesda is missing a great opportunity to convey emotion with the beast races. As it is now, the tails of the Beast races just sway back and forth just barely while standing, and while running they just stick out and bend a bit if you turn, kinda like if you ran with a thin rope sticking out of your pants or something, it just doesn't seem alive to me.


Anymore who's ever spent time with any sort of tailed animal knows that they're typically used to express something, for instance, when mad a cat's tail will lash back and forth, it'll stand straight up when greeting someone, etc. While it's true that some animals use their tails purely for balance and such, they're never just there to look good, they always serve a purpose.


In short, I would like the tails of the Beast races to look more realistic, not just there because they have to be.

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this would be pretty cool, mostly cause I love playing a Khajit, it would be cool to see something along the lines of when a beast sneaks they use their tail for balance and such.......I would totally DL a tail animation mod.....
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Yeah I'd download this too ;) ..and in a dark brotherhood quest I assassinated a khajiit near ri'saad's camp outside whiterun.A few in-game months passed,I felt like taking a walk outside of whiterun,and I found the khajiit corpse there,the camp was gone,and the tail was still moving. - ___-"
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Liked the Khajit and Argonians Better in Morrowind did not look Great but they were more Beast like Not just somebody with a Cat Head on them, Playing one of them was like playing a hole other Race!


Ho the tails in Oblivion were just as bad to!


Some Moders trying to take the tails off them WAY? If they what to paly that then just play a Orc, High Elf , Darkelffe, Breton, Imperial, Redguard of Wood Elf DAMEIT There a "BEAST" Race!!!!

Edited by Tom21
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  • 7 months later...

Gonna pick up on this thread since I was about to request the same.

Recently started playing a Khajit, and I really like the way they look. But then I started running and my tail just started flipping left and right like clockwork...

Doesn't look/feel very natural to me. It's actually even annoying.

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  • 1 year later...

I need to post in this topic, because I don't think this board needs another topic that asks for the same thing.


Now, I don't think this was requested enough. But even after my dozen Google searches, there isn't an Animation Fix for the Beast Race tails. Nor is there at the very least an Animation overhaul for them. Honestly, I believe the Human and the Mer races are getting too much attention away from the Beast Races, and that should change sometime soon! Here we are, almost two years since this game was released, and we only get, at average, 17% of the Total Mods in the Nexus that do something for the Beast Races. And indeed, most of them are only "bundled" with mods that were primarily for the Human and/or Mer Races. Where is the respect for the Beast Race? Seven out of ten, there will always be a topic online that would question the presence of the Beast Races in The Elder Scrolls series. And that's terrible! I mean, they have some unique and viable Racial Traits in the normal game that would make them great Thieves, or better Travelers with passives that allow them to stand ground in many environments, even under-geared!


Now, on topic, the tail animation bugs haven't been truly fixed yet. And aside from that, the normal tail animations have to be the stiffest things to behold! Sitting down, sneaking, falling, moving (walking/running/sprinting), lying down, the tail clips through everything, as if it were some kind of "Ghost Accessory"! They don't even have some special "reaction" animations! Tail Animation feels tacked on, is what I am trying to say, and something needs to be done about it. To anyone who reads the entire post, thank you for your time, and please pass on the word to a fellow Modder who would dare to do something for the Beast Races. Something dignifying!

Edited by Baschfon
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  • 10 months later...

No one thinks much about beast races :dry: but anyway i'm all for this,all for the the betterment of beast races.

Edited by nyonker
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Many people think about it. It's just very, very difficult and requires animating skill, which is something few have, and those who do know that it takes a lot of time and likely prefer to use their skills elsewhere. There is, however, a mod for Khajiit's that does make their tails a LITTLE better:


Khajiit Tail Physics

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