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A couple of TECS questions


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Hihoo :smile:


I decided to take my 1st steps into modding and managed to get around with basic TECS handling , with

help from the TECS-Wiki Tutorial .

I'm making my 1st player home between Vanua & Memorial Cave , using 3 cells :

1) Wilderness 14,9 (renamed to "Wilderness 14,9 Dolphin Manor Exterior)

Didn't edit landscape (only deleted 2-3 critter-markers) , dropped the house + map-marker and added a door linked to :

2) Dolphin Manor : Scratch-made interior cell (deco-light etc...) added a door1 linked to above exterior-cell door , plus another door2 linked to :

3) Dolphin Basement : Scratch-made interior cell (deco-light etc...) added a door linked to 2)Dolphin Manor door2.


Each door was renamed with a unique Ref-ID (DolphinManorBasementIn , DolphinManorBasementOut , DolphinManorIn, DolphinManorOut)

So far , so good :thumbsup: Teleport between the 3 cells works perfectly .


The only thing I can't figure out is how to customize the ingame tag's when cursor is on selected door . My doors all show the tag :"Wooden door to" , except the door leading to Dolphin Manor Exterior Cell , which says :"Wooden door to Waterfront" .


How can I correct that on the other 3 doors ?

So that they'll show ingame :

* Manor to Basement : "Wooden door to Dolphin Basement"

* Basement to Manor : "Wooden door to Dolphin Manor"

* Exterior to Manor : "Dolphin Manor Entrance"


My second question is about exterior cell duplication . To locate where I wanted the Manor ,

I loaded the Tamriel cell , found the spot I liked (cell Wilderness 14,9)

Selected that cell , did "right-click/duplicate cell" , but no "Wilderness 14,9COPY00001" showed up in the list .

Is this only limited to interior-cells ? Or did I miss something ?


Thanks for your suggestions :wink:




PS : I wanted to show you some pics from the Work In Progress ... but oddly , prntscrn doesn't

take screenies anymore, despite the fact that oblivion.ini has the "bAllowScreenShot=1" line ...... Hmmm :dry:

Edited by Remcoz
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Yes, exterior cells can't be duplicated, they can only be edited. :)


Just in case your next question is 'How do you change "Wooden door to Waterfront" to "Wooden door to Dolphin Manor Exterior"?', you'll need to create a region called "Dolphin Manor Exterior" in the World > Regions menu.

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Thanks to both of you :-

Got it working

Now , I have some work to finish there , some landscape editing and some containers to add .

Regarding containers ... and base editing ...

What happens exactly if , for example , I add a chest to my Manor , rename its ID (f.ex. DolphinBedroomChest) and I base-edit it to set it to No-respawn and/or add/remove/change the loot ?

Will all the same chests ingame have the same changes ?

I won't use any quest nor scripted containers ... but I 'd like to have the ones I use Non-respawning and empty (or add some loot I choose) .

Thx again for your help , mates


Edit :

BTW , I use about 35 static/clutter/Floorplane01.nif objects as floor and ceiling to create additional floors (attics) .

All seems to work well ingame ... but when I load my mod in TECS , I get always the following warning:


What can I do about that ? I just want to be sure my mod is clean when I release it ^^

Edited by Remcoz
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If you alter the contents of containers, they must be new containers with new form IDs. (You give an existing container a new name and respond that yes, you do want to create a new item.) If you do not have a unique container you are changing the contents of, then you will change all the similar containers in Tamriel and have mod dirt. (Unless your mod is intended to universally change container content.) When you succeed in creating a new container it will have a form ID like 014678E4 rather than 004678E4. (If not 01- at the beginning, then some number other than 00-.)


The CS spits out a lot of bogus warning messages that sound really scary, but have no effect on the game. Try editing a cell with a hand scythe in it and you will get a similar warning. You will also often get warnings about statues and doors that contain more lights than they are supposed to, Clannfears missing bones, and cells with too many pathgrid connections. You can ignore these messages that come from the vanilla game. But if you use a mesh created by a modder and get an error message, it is more of a cause for concern. I have seen a lot of CTDs resulting from modder-created bad meshes.

Edited by David Brasher
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you David :smile:


I created indeed all the unique containers so that they're only related to DolphinManor.esp .


Still 2 questions I do have :whistling::


1) @Lanceor :

About the "DolphinManorExterior" region-creation you mention ...

The original exterior cell is : Wilderness 14,9 (renamed to "Wilderness 14,9 Dolphin Manor Exterior) and

it may happen(depending on my exterior Tree/Garden/Fence/Wall editings) that 1 or 2 "neighbor-cells" (Wilderness 14,9 and 15,10)

might be slightly affected by minor landscape changes .

DolphinManor exit door still points at "Door to Waterfront" .

How should I proceed exactly & what should I be careful about ?

Do I have to create a "DolphinManorExterior" region in these cells ? (sorryzzzz for looking noob ^^ , I just

wanna be 100% sure that I don't mess up or break anything :pirate:


2) About "persistent" and "visible when distant" checkboxes ...

According to wiki , flagging "persistent" eats up a lot of memory , no ? They advise to do so as less as possible ....

but I couldn't find a more detailed explanation (Maybe I missed it :unsure: )

When (interior/exterior?) & which object(s) should be marked persistent and/or visible w.distant ? (Linked doors I know)

But for markers/architecture/containers/activators/lights/clutter ?


For the rest , work is well in progress .:thumbsup:

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For 1), here's the region editing tutorial. All you'll want to do probably is change the name that gets shown, and not the weather or the default flora etc.


Persistent references don't necessarily use more memory, but ARE saved in the player's savegame. For this reason, don't make a reference persistant unless it's needed. Generally, anything that you manipulate remotely in a script needs to be persistent. e.g. a sword with a script running on it doesn't need to be persistant. But a lever that charges up a particular sword, that particular sword needs to be persistent.


If in doubt, try saving the script with the item as non-persistent. It will give you an error message if the item needs to be persistent.


Pretty much nothing needs to be marked VWD... and unless you've supplied a _far.nif mesh and run a program like TES4LODGen to create the LOD data, checking the box won't really do anything. VWD is used for things that can be seen from miles away, such as the Imperial City tower.

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Thx Lanceor :smile:


I'm diving into the Region-tuto , and even if I don't get it all yet (in Tamriel worldspace , I drew a DolphinManorExterior on the cells14,9/15,9 which overlap with Waterfront region... my region appears in list and I saved my esp ... but testing it ingame still gives"Waterfront" :blush: ),

I think I'll manage to get more familiar with it . I'll keep on digging ^^


Another thing I dunno how to handle is with texture painting in the exterior cell(s) .

I use Qarl's OMOD texture-pack since a few years , and when I want to texture-paint in landscape-editor , CS gives me a message-box with "texture should be 512 or less" ... So I can't repaint a "path" to my manor .

I think Qarls are 1024 or 2048 .

Is there a way (in Constructionset.ini for example) to make it accept these texture-sizes ?

Or do I have to remove Qarl's and re-install all just Vanilla ? (which I would prefer to avoid ^^)

For info , my esp is based only on Oblivion.esm .


Greet'z :cool:

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